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**Tiffany's POV**
I was kind of in shock after Cole told me that our parents were in a coma. I'm not like super sad or anything because I still don't really know them that well. I don't want to loose them because I have already lost my birth parents.
We stand in the waiting room of the hospital waiting to go into our mom's room.
The nurse finally comes out and tells us we are allowed to go in. Cole goes in first with me and Jack following behind.
I turned my head and see mom just laying there. Cole pulls a seat up next to mom and grabs her hand. Jack sits next to Cole just staring at mom. I'm on the other side of her bed.
Her skin has a slight blue color to it. I touch her skin and it's cold.
"Why is she so cold and blue looking?" I say
"She will regain her color so don't worry. After the crash she was low on oxygen and she was loosing color already. Since she wasn't getting oxygen for awhile, the doctors had to supply more oxygen for her." Cole says shaking
Jack starts to rock back and forth slightly.
"Jack is in shock."
I just nod.
We sit in silence for 20 minutes before the nurse says we have to leave.
"Are we allowed to see our dad?" Cole asks
"Yes but only for a little bit." The nurse says
She takes us to dad's room. We enter and see dad in really bad shape. His left arm is in a cast. He has a white bandage wrapped around his head with some blood on it. His right arm has a really large scratch. He has a deep mark on his right cheek which looks like got stitched up.
"We better leave." Cole says
We head to the car when Cole says something.
"I'm dropping you off at the store."
"Because you need to get back into the swing of things." he says sleepy
"Are you sure you're okay with that? I can stay home and comfort you guys."
"No it's fine. What time do you want me to pick you up?" He asks
"You don't have to pick me up." I say
"I insist."
"Okay um 8 tonight. If that's not too late." I say
"Promise me that you two will get some sleep when you get home. You guys are so exhausted." I say
"Ya okay. We promise."
He drops me off at the store. The store is already open because Ashley, Amber, and Zane have already opened it.
I walk in.
"Tiffany!!!" They all say
Ashley and Amber comes over and gives me a hug.
"It's been so long since I've seen you guys!" I say
"Yes it has! We're glad to see you again!"
"Where's Zane?"
"He's in the back" Amber says
I quietly walk into the back. I see Zane sorting through boxes with his headphones on.
I walk up behind him and jump on his back.
"Hey Zane!" I say
He screams a little and then takes his headphones off.
"Don't do that to me Tiffany!" He says
breathing heavily
"So how have you been?" I ask
"Pretty good. I got a scholarship for having straight A's."
"Oh my gosh that's terrific!" I say
We walk out and go to the front counter.
"So how have you been doing since you left?" Ashley asks
"I'm doing much better. I just came back from the hospital." I say
"Oh my god! Are you okay!!" Amber asks
"Ya I'm perfectly fine. I was visiting my parents. They got in a really bad car accident. They're in a coma right now." I say
"How are you handling it?" Zane asks
"Pretty well. Cole wanted me to come to the store instead of stay home and help them."
"That's weird." Ashley says
"Ya. I am going to make them dinner after Cole picks me up so I'm leaving 2 hours before the store closes if that okay with you guys."
"Aww that's so sweet. And yeah that's okay by us." Amber says
"Ok thanks guys. I'm coming back tomorrow. Is there any orders I can work on? And sorry you guys haven't gotten your paycheck yet. You'll get paid tomorrow. I promise" I say
"Yes. The orders are in the back. And okay cool." Zane says before leaving for to the back.
Amber comes running in with my phone.
"Here Cole has called you 5 times."
I take the phone from her and just as I have the phone in my hands it starts ringing.
"Hey, I was wondering..." He mumbles something I can't hear
"Speak up Cole. I can't hear you." I say
"I was wondering if..."
He takes a pause like he's debating if he wants to tell me or not
"You were wondering what?" I ask
"Um...never mind."
"What is it Cole?" I say concerned
"I'll tell you when I get home. It's about Jack."
"Is he alright? Did something happen? Oh and by the way I wanted to make you guys dinner."
"Yes and no. And no that's ok we ate an hour ago and were really aren't hungry but we force ourselves to eat. It's hard to explain right now. I have to go. I'll talk to you when I pick you up." he says and then hangs up
I put my phone in my back pocket.
"So how was traveling the country?" Ashley asks as she come into the back
"It was amazing! I saw so many cool land features and met many cool people and fans."
"And how is it dating Austin?" Zane says smirking
"He's such an amazing guy! He cares so much about me and supports my every move. He understands how I feel and he knows everything about. He knows how to make me laugh or smile. He knows how to upset me. He's just the perfect boyfriend! I wouldn't change anything about him."
"Does he spoil you?"
"No not really. The only thing he has spoiled me with is-"
"Hugs and kisses." I turn around and see Austin leaning against the door frame.
"Austin!" I say
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd drop off a gift for my beautiful girlfriend."
"Austin, you know I don't like when you get me stuff."
"I know but I can't help it."
I'm not the normal girl. I don't like to be spoiled with expensive jewelry or tons of clothing and so many pairs of shoes that I can't even count.
"I'll leave you to work." he says coming over and giving me a hug.
"Bye." I say
He walks out the front door.
"So what did he spoil you with?"
"Oh. He gave me a diamond bracelet. He probably got another really expensive gift."
"What's wrong with that?" Ashley asks
"Well I'm just afraid that I'll loose it or it'll break. And besides I don't know what to give him back in return. I don't want to give him something cheap. The best thing to get him is for me to make him custom shoes made by me but I feel like he won't like that."
"Girl! He will like what ever you give him." Ashley says all sassy causing me to laugh
"Well maybe but on the outside he'll act like he likes it but then on the inside hates it so much he won't tell me."
"You just need to stop thinking that way." Zane says
"Ok I'll try."
"You better go open that gift."
I walk out with them following behind me.
I see the gift sitting next to Amber on the cashier counter.
Amber is sitting on the counter filing her nails looking at them and then filing them again. She pulls out some teal nail polish and starts painting them.
"You're suppose to be working. Not doing your nails." I say
She blushes slightly and gets off the counter.
"It's fine."
"Here's the gift Austin dropped off." she says
She hands it to me.
It's in a small round pinkish red box with a pink ribbon on the lid. It fits into my hand perfectly. There are white zigzag lines all over the bottom half and nothing on the lid part.
I take off the lid and look inside. There's plain lime green tissue paper on top. I remove the tissue paper and she a gorgeous gold heart necklace. I pick up the neck lace and see that it's only a half heart with an A on it.
"Austin has the other half with a T on it." Amber says
I put the necklace on.
"It looks good on you."
I pull my phone out and text Austin
'Thanks for the necklace. I absolutely love it!!'
I put my phone back in my pocket because Austin is already working on some new music.
*end of the store day*
"You guys you will paid tomorrow." I say as everyone starts to walk out the front door
"Ok cool." Amber says
I lock the doors and wait until Cole comes to pick me up.
I play on my phone until he pulls up
As I get into the car Cole has a very sad look on his face.
"I'll tell you when we get home." he says
We sit in complete silence, not even the radio is playing.
We make it home and Cole goes straight into the living room and sits down on the worn out couch.
He buries his face in his hands.
"Jack...Jack has..."
He can't get the words out of his mouth.
I come and put my hand on his back. I start to rub his back. I just sit in wait until he is ready to tell me.
"Jack has depression. And I'm worried that it's going to keep getting worse and worse. And then he's going to start cutting."
"We'll just have to keep a close eye on him. Speaking of him, where is he?"
"In his room." Cole says keeping his face buried in his hands
I rub his back one more time.
"I'll go check on him." I say leaving Cole on the couch
I go into Jack's room and see him sitting on his bed.
"How are you doing?" I ask sitting next him
He shrugs.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?"
He doesn't reply
He still doesn't reply
"Jack what's wrong?"
He sits there silent but then he opens his mouth.
"What if mom and dad don't wake up from the coma? What are we suppose to do then?"
"Well then we'll just have to pay the bills and be there for one another. Besides the doctors told me that the car accident wasn't that bad and that they will wake up."
I completely made up the end of that. The doctors said that there is a very small chance that they will wake up within this month but more then likely they will be in it for years.
"I'm going over to my friends house." he says getting up and leaving his room
I'm left sitting on his bed. I hear the front door open and close.
I hear a creak and look up to see Cole standing in the doorway.
"Did you hear that whole conversation?"
"Do you think he believed the last part?"
"I don't know. Maybe a little bit."
"I just don't want him to freak out because he's worried that we're going to lose mom and dad." I say before leaving into my room.
A/N: If you're enjoying the book please favorite this chapter!! :)

A Dream Come True (an Austin Mahone fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora