Oh No!

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We brought a lot of clothing. I brought 3 or 4 dresses and of course I had to buy shoes that match them. Alex, Robert, and Zach bought some snapbacks and sneakers.
We all head back for the soundcheck just in time.
Robert grabs a microphone and runs onto stage.
"How is everyone this fine day?" I hear him say
Everyone screams.
"So what do you guys normally do while Austin is doing soundcheck?" I say to Alex and Zach
"Most of the time we just watch from the side." Alex says
"Expect when the Mahomies get to ask questions." Zach says
"We all go out and help pick which girls get to ask Austin a question." Alex says
After the soundcheck Austin visits the Mahomies during the pizza party.
He then has the Meet and Greet which lasts 3 hours so I decide to go back to the tour bus for a nap. I haven't been getting much sleep lately.
**Austin's POV**
"Does anybody know where Tiffany is?" I ask
"I've been looking all over for her." I say
"I think she went back to the tour bus." Alex says
"Could you please find out?" I ask
Alex takes off running towards the doors.
"Where could Alex be? It doesn't take that long. It's been 5 minutes." I say getting worried that something might have happened to them.
I hear the doors open and see Alex and Tiffany come in.
When they get closer I see Tiffany has scraps all over her and she is limping.
"Oh my gosh Tiffany! What happened?" I say
I go over to her and touch her cheek.
"My segway hit a rock and it tipped over. I'm fine though." She says
"You don't look fine. You got scraps all over. " I say gesturing to her arms and legs.
"Why are you limping?" I ask her
As I ask the question I see her going to seat in a chair so I turn to Alex.
"What took you so long?" I say to Alex
"There were tons of fans around the tour bus. It was hard to get through and out of the crowd. And then Tiffany tripped and someone stepped on her ankle. She said she was okay." He says
"Tiffany's not having a very good day." I say
"It's almost time to start the show." Rocco says
We all get into the prayer circle.
"Let's go out there and have some fun." I say
Rocco adds a few more words and then it's show time.
I give Tiffany a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Stay with Alex, Rob, and Zach and don't go to the tour bus. Promise me?" I say
"I promise." I say
"No jealousy either." I say walking away
**Tiffany's POV**
I laugh at the jealousy part.
"What's up with him?" I ask no one in particular
"He's really over protective right now." Robert says
"How come? I haven't done anything wrong." I ask
"I'm not sure. You would have to talk to him about that." Alex says
"Okay I will when I get a chance." I say
We all head to the side of stage.
"Let me get you a chair so you don't have to stand on your ankle." Zach says going over to get a chair
"Thanks Zach." I say
*End of concert*
Austin did a really great job. When it came for the U girl part I was so happy for her.
I stand up and my ankle feels better but I'm still limping. We meet Austin back in the dressing room.
I go over to Austin and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"You did great Austin." I say smiling
"Thanks babe." he says
He opens his arms for a hug but I dodge them.
"I'm not giving you a hug until you have showered. You're too sweaty." I say
Everyone chuckles.
We go back to the tour bus. Austin hops in the shower in our room. I sit on the couch watching Rob and Zach play basketball on the Play Station.
Robert starts cussing at the screen. He gets mad and shuts off the Play Station
"Hey!" Zach yells
Zach gets up and pushes Rob.
"Does this always happen?" I ask Alex
"Ya but not very often." He says
I go over to them.
"Break it up guys. It's a stupid game." I say
They both turn to look at me.
"It's not just a stupid game. We had a bet and Robert was being a soar loser and decided to quit so you wouldn't loose the bet." Zach says
They go back to yelling at each other.
I go over and sit by Alex.
"I don't usually try to break it up. They are so serious about bets. It's going to get pretty nasty so you better watch out." He says
I look at both of them and see them hitting each other.
"Why did you shut it off Rob!" Zach yells
"Because I felt like it." Rob yells back
"If you were a man you would take the bet and suck it up and deal with it!!" Zach yells back while they are hitting each other
Austin comes out wrapped in a towel with water still dropping from his hair.
He looked so hot!
"What the heck is going on!" Austin says
Robert was in the middle of a punch but turned to look at Austin.
"Rob won't follow through with a bet." Zach says
"Just forget about it." Austin says giving them the evil eye
He goes over to them and whispers something. Rob and Zach nod their heads and give each other a bro hug.
Austin goes back to get changed.
We sit in silence until Austin comes back wearing basketball shorts and a black beanie. I find myself looking at his abs. I look up and see him smiling at me. He comes and sits by me and puts an arm around. I put my head on his shoulder.
"So tomorrow." Austin starts to say
"We have some time to kill. Are you guys up to playing basketball?" Austin asks Alex, Rob, and Zach
"Definitely." they all say
They start arguing over who is on who's team.
"Since we can't decide, I say Tiffany gets to pick the teams." Zach says
They all turn and stare at me.
"Um Austin and Alex vs. Robert and Zach." I say
"You know you can call me Rob." Robert says
"I know I just prefer not to." I say
I get up and go to the bedroom. I change into my pajamas and go back out to grab an orange before I go to bed.
"Are you going to bed already?" Alex asks
"Yup. I haven't been sleeping well." I say yawning
I walk start walking back to my room with Austin following me.
I crawl into the bed.
"Goodnight sweetheart." He says planting a kiss on my forehead
"Goodnight Austin." I say planting a kiss on his cheek
Austin shuts the door and I lay in the bed thinking.
**Austins POV**
I sit back down with Alex, Rob, and Zach.
"Are you upset how she doesn't have a nickname for you?" Rob asks
"No. She may think of a nickname for me when's she's ready. I don't mind her calling me Austin." I say
We talk about how the rest of the tour is going to be like.
We all head off to our beds. I quietly open the door so I don't wake Tiffany up. I carefully crawl into bed and get comfy before I wrap my arms around her waist. I quickly fall asleep
I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I stretch and realize that Tiffany is already out of bed. I get out and walk into the living room. I see Tiffany eating cereal.
"Good morning sleepyhead!" She says with a really big smile
"Someone's in a good mood." I say walking up to her to give her a hug
"You never did give me my hug yesterday." I say with a pout
She stands up and walks up to me. I pull her into a hug.
*Skip to the basketball game*
**Tiffany's POV**
I sit on a bench watching Austin, Alex, Zach, and Rob.
"Hey Tiffany can you go and get us some water please?" Austin says with puppy dog eyes
I smile and go back to get some water for the boys.
As I'm grabbing 4 water bottles out of the fridge I hear a yell.
I quickly run to the court and see Zach laying on the ground holding his leg.
"Oh my god! Zach are you okay!?" I say worried
As I get closer I see his ankle is at a weird angle.
I stop walking because I don't want to get any closer to Zach's ankle.
"I think it's broken." Zach says
"Ya looks like it." Austin says
Rob was on the phone calling for an ambulance.
Austin walks over to me.
"What happened?" I asked
"He went to do a lay up and than he landed on his ankle wrong which caused his ankle to be in that weird angle." He says
We all turn our heads when we hear sirens. The ambulance comes and takes Zach out on a stretcher.
*At the hospital*
"How is he?" Alex asks when the doctor comes out of the room
"He's doing okay. But I'm afraid he broke his ankle really bad." The doctor says
"How long will it take him to recover?" Rob asks
"Well after the surgery about 6-8 weeks." says the doctor
"Surgery!?" We all say at the same time
A/N: How are you guys liking the book? Please comment and favorite!!

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