Forgiving Each Other

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It's been a week and a half since our fight. We haven't made any contact with each other at all. After the store closed I walked home. Cole meets me at the door.
"How come you haven't been hanging with Austin?" He asks
"Why don't you ask him?" I say rudely
"What is up with you? You have completely changed over this last week especially your attitude!"
"Just leave me alone Cole. And the truth is I CAN'T talk to you about anything I need."
"And why not?"
"Because I know you've been keeping Austin's secrets away from me!"
"Well maybe he doesn't want you to know everything!"
"And why wouldn't he!?"
"Because maybe it deals with you!"
"Austin would still tell me if I did something wrong or if I needed to change something."
"Ya he would but if he wanted it to be a surprise obviously he wouldn't tell you!"
This made me shut up because I had never thought of that. He does tell me everything. Maybe him and Cole being friends isn't a bad thing. After all Cole did tell him that I wanted this purse. I realize that I got made over something really stupid.
I leave Cole standing by the door and head into the kitchen. I grab the strawberries out of the fridge. I go to the cupboard and grab chocolate chips. I decide that I was going to make chocolate covered strawberries for Austin. I grab a pot and put it on the stove so it can get home.
"Did you finally realize that you were fighting over something stupid." Cole says with a smirk
This time I can't take his attitude. I go over to him and slap him the face pretty hard. His cheek turns red and my hand stings.
"What was that for."
"You say my attitude sucks, you better check yours."
Cole is ready to slap me.
"Go ahead but it's not going to change this situation it'll just make it worse."
He puts his hand back down and turns red in the face trying to control his anger. He goes upstairs.
I put the chocolate chips in the pot to start melting them. As soon as I put them in Jack come and sits are the counter.
"What are you making?"
"Chocolate covered strawberries for Austin."
"Because we had a fight and I wanted to forgive him."
"Ah I see."
Jack just sits on the counter watching me. After the chocolate melts I dip the strawberries into it and lay them on wax paper. Jack steals one.
"Sorry but they looked really good."
I chuckle.
After they are all dipped and the chocolate is hard, I put them in a cute heart shaped box.
"Hey Jack, can you drive me to Austin's house?"
"Ya sure."
We leave without telling Cole. Mom and Dad are having a night to themselves.
Jack pulls up to the driveway.
"Thanks. You can leave. I'll get a ride back from Austin."
"Sure anytime and ok."
He leaves and I go up to the front door. I knock. Zach answers it.
"Is Austin here?"
"Can I talk to him?"
"Sure. So what happened with you guys?"
"We had a fight over something stupid. I was being stubborn as usual."
"Oh. I'll go get him for you."
After a few minutes Austin comes to the door.
"Hey." I say shyly
"I brought you these." I say handing him the box
He opens it and he's eyes widen when he sees what's inside.
"Did you make these?"
There's silence for a few seconds before I start speaking again.
"Look, I'm really sorry about yelling at you. I guess I just needed to let out my anger on something and I guess you were it. It was over something stupid anyways."
"No it wasn't stupid. You made me realize that you were right about not hanging out with you. I do have spare time at night. I didn't realize that you would want to hang out this late at night. I'm sorry."
We stand there awkwardly for a minute.
"Come here Tiff."
I walk into his arms. He puts his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck.
"I sure did miss your hugs." he says smiling
We pull away. He then puts his hands on my hips and he pulls me in closer. He kisses me soft and sweet.
"Why don't you spend the night?"
"Um I don't think my parents or Cole will like that idea."
"Oh come on. We're not going to do anything."
"Let me call and find out."
"Ok." he says kissing me before I call
"Hey mom."
"Het sweetie!"
"I have a quick question for you."
"Ok. Where are you anyways?"
"I'm at Austin's."
"How sweet. What's your question?"
"Can I stay over at Austin's tonight?" I ask biting my lip nervously
"I'm not too sure about that. Let me have you speak with your father."
There's rustling on the phone and then dad speaks.
"What's up sweetheart?"
"I want to spend the night at Austin's tonight."
"Sweetheart I don't think that's a good idea."
"Dad please!! I promise nothing will happen between me and him."
"I still don't know."
"Please dad!!?"
"I don't want you two sleeping in the same bed."
"Is that a yes?"
"Let me speak with Austin first."
I hand the phone to Austin.
"My dad wants to speak with you."
"Hello?...yes sir...I promise...yes of got it...yes sir I promise...alrighty...bye"
"He wants to speak to you again." he says handing me back the phone
"Yes dad?"
"Ok I'll let you stay over."
"Thank you so much dad!!"
"Your welcome sweetheart. Love you."
"Love you too dad. Bye."
"Bye. See you tomorrow."
I hang up.
"I have to come over for dinner tomorrow." Austin says
"You'll love them they're great."
"I'm sure they are."
He lets me into his house. This is the first time I've been in his house. It is huge! He has a ping pong table in the living room. He's got a basketball hoop nailed onto the wall in the open space near the staircase. He then takes me to his recording studio. He's got his awards/trophies on glass shelves. He also has a fish tank. He takes me into his bedroom. He's has a gigantic closet for his shoes. His shoes are on shelves that cover every square inch. He has another closet filled with his clothes. He then shows me the bathroom. This is also big. He has a king size bed.
"So what do you want to do?" He asks
"Watch a movie?" I say more as a question
"Are you going to want to sleep in that?" He says pointing to my clothes
I look down. I'm wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and a sweatshirt.
"Uh no not really."
He goes into his closet. He comes out with red basketball shorts and a white shirt with black feathers.
"These are the only clean clothes for you to wear." He hands them to me
He goes back into the closet and I go into the bathroom to change.
I slip out of my jeans and put on the red basketball shorts. They go a couple inches below my knees. I take off my sweatshirt. Before I put it on I smell it. It smells like Austin. I put it on. It goes below my butt and the sleeves go to my elbows. I'm swimming in his clothes. I fold my clothes up and put them on the counter next to the second sink. I walk out.
Austin is sitting on the bed on his phone. He's wearing white basketball shorts with the brim of his boxers showing. He has no shirt on causing me to look at his abs.
"What movie are we watching?" I ask causing him to look at me
He smiles when he sees how big his clothes are on me.
"You look adorable."
"What movie do you want to watch?"
"Doesn't matter to me as long as it's not a horror movie."
"Ok a horror movie it is."
"Austin!" I say slapping his arm lightly
"Haha I was just kidding."
He goes downstairs. He comes back up with a dvd in his hand.
"We're going to watch my favorite movie."
"Ok and what is your favorite movie?"
"Never seen it."
"I think you'll like it."
He puts in the movie and comes back on the bed. He puts his arm around me and I snuggle into him. I put my head on his shoulder.
"What else did my dad say to you?"
"He said he didn't want us sleeping in the same bed but he didn't make me promise that."
"What did you have to promise?"
"To keep you safe and to make sure you were taken care of. He said whatever bad happens to you will happen to me if its my fault."
"Haha he threatened you."
I can't help but laugh.
"My dad said the same thing to Cole's girlfriends."
"Oh wow."
He kisses the top of my head.
"Your hair always smells really good. And it's always soft."
"Thanks. It's natural I guess."
"What do you mean it's natural?"
"I don't do anything to it. I wash my hair every 3-4 days but it gets brushed every morning."
"So it's partly natural then."
"Ya I guess."
After the movie is over we cuddle just talking. Austin falls asleep first and then I fall asleep shortly after him.
I wake up to a knock on the door. I look at the clock 2:15am. What does someone want this early. I carefully slip out of Austin's grip and there my hair into a messy bun and walk downstairs. I look through the peep hole to find Jack holding a bag.
I open the door.
"What are you doing here so early?" I say yawning
"I was laying in bed when I remembered you don't have anything for tomorrow so I thought I'd bring you your stuff."
"Aww thanks Jack." I say giving him a hug
"I'll see you tomorrow some time."
"Ok. Bye"
I close the door and back upstairs.
Austin sits up.
"What were you doing?" He says rubbing his left eye
"There was a knock on the door and Jack just wanted to bring me my stuff."
"This early?"
"Ya I guess so."
I put my bag in the bathroom but before I leave I see what he put in it.
He brought me jean shorts with a red crop top that has a smiley face on it. He packed my white vans and my makeup bag. 'He definitely knows me' I think.
I walk out and take my hair out of my bun and crawl back into Austin's warm arms. This time I face him with him facing me. He moves a piece of loose hair behind my ear.
"You look so beautiful even this early in the morning."
I giggle a little.
We both fall asleep again.
I wake up to sun shining in my face.
10:39 the clock reads. I get up and decide to make the boys breakfast.
I was making them pancakes with bacon.
I make the pancake batter homemade. I get out a large bowl and put in flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda. I then find a big measuring cup and crack four eggs into it. I put some olive oil and stir it up. I pour in buttermilk and stir it one more time.
I mix the eggs, olive oil, and buttermilk mix into the flour mixture.
I stir that up. I then get a 1/2 cup and dip that into the pancake batter. I start putting the batter into the griddle and while those are cooking I start on the bacon. I go back to the pancakes and flip them. They are perfect golden brown. I then get another another batch going. I go back to the bacon. I cook it till it's crispy. When the bacon's done so are the pancakes. I get out 7 plates. I put 5 plates on the table with the pancakes stacked on a plate and the bacon on its own plate. After the table is set the boys come down the stairs.
"You made all this Tiffany?" Robert asks
We all sit down to eat.
A/N: I don't actually know what Austin's house looks like sorry. I was just inferring what it looked like according to pictures and videos I've seen.
Thanks guys!
P.S. Comment "yes" if you want me to post 25 facts about me!

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