New York

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I wake up. I don't remembered falling asleep or anything I did yesterday.
I feel arms wrapped around. I don't move because I don't want to wake Austin. I yawn.
"Good morning." Austin says
I jump a little bit. I just stay laying on my side looking out the window.
"I thought you were asleep." I say
"No. I was just watching you sleep. You probably think that's creepy don't you." he asks
"A little bit." I say
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You passed out." He says
"Oh. That's probably why I don't remember anything." I say
"You said that you were really dizzy and lightheaded." He says
"I don't remember saying that. Why did I pass out?" I ask
"Dehydration. The doctor said you weren't drinking enough water." He says concerned
"Does that happen often?" He asks
"No. It's the first time it has happened. I guess I haven't drank anything since yesterday morning. I had some water at Olive Garden but I didn't drink it." I say
"You went that long without water!?" He says
"I wasn't thirsty so I didn't worry about it." I say
"I will get you something to drink." He says getting up and leaving.
I sit up and immediately I get a headache. I groan.
"What's the matter?" Austin asks
"I have a headache." I say
"I will get you some medicine." He says
He gives me the water bottle and leaves to get the medicine. He comes back with the pills.
I swallow them and we just sit in silence on the bed.
"I'm still tired." I say
"Okay. I will let you sleep." he says and before he leaves he places a kiss on my forehead.
I decide to sleep on the floor for awhile. I wake up to someone coming in.
"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Alex asks
"The floor is really comfortable." I say with sleep still in my voice.
"Why don't you come with us." He says
"Where are we going?" I ask
"You're helping us hand out posters for Austin's show. It's for the meet and greet." He says
"Oh okay." I say
I brush my hair before we leave.
"Austin has his sound track in 2 hours, then he has the mahomie pizza party, then the meet and greet, and then he gets ready for his concert." He says
"Will there be anytime to explore New York?" I ask
"It depends on what Austin wants to do and if he will let us." He says
"I hope we will have some time." I say
We all walk into a conference room where Austin is signing a couple thousand posters.
Alex, Robert, and Zach grab bags and starts putting the signed posters in them. I put the bags in the boxes.
Michelle walks in with a folder that I am assuming is for the 'U girl'.
"A girl gave me this folder." She says
"Thanks mom." Austin says
Austin, Robert, Zach, and Alex sit around the table.
"This girl has a bunch of signatures and people that think she should be U girl." Zach says
"Are some of them on Twitter?" Austin asks
"Yes." Zach says
"Well check their account and look for their support." Austin says
Zach pulls out his phone and checks a couple of the signatures.
"She's good. All the signatures I checked are legit." Zach says
"Okay looks like she will be it." Robert says
Austin just nods his head.
He goes off to get ready for the soundtrack. Everybody leaves the conference room. I see Alex go over to Austin and say something to him.
"You ready to go?" Alex asks me
"Go where?" I ask
"To explore New York." he says
"Yes!" I say really excited.
"Are you sure you don't mind us leaving Austin?" Zach says
"Ya go have some fun. You guys be safe." he says mostly looking at me
Seems like he wants me to be watching them and not them watching me.
"Okay we will be back in time for the sound check." Robert says
"Okay." He says
"Can we take the segways?" Zach asks
"Sure go ahead." He says
"Thanks man." Robert says
We all walk out and go to the side of the tour bus. Zach, Alex, and Robert pull the segways off their hooks.
"I'm amusing you don't know how to ride a segway?" Zach says
I nod.
They all get on their segways and show me.
"To go forward you push the handle forward and to go backward to pull the handle back and turning is like turning bike handles." Zach says
"Sounds easy enough." I say
I get on the segway and give it a try.
"This is fun." I say
We all head off on the sidewalk with a couple security guards walking behind us.
"Watch out for that-" Alex starts to say
Before he finishes the sentence the segway hits a rock and the segway tips to the side. I hit the ground pretty hard.
They all stop immediately and come running over to me.
"Oh my god! Tiffany are you alright?" They all say concerned
"Ya I'm fine." I say getting up brushing the dirt off myself.
I have scraps on my arms and legs.
Robert comes over and touches my cheek.
"You have a scratch on your face. Are you sure your okay? We can go straight back right now if you want." he says
"No I'm fine. When you go up with a bunch of brothers you learn to toughen up and you're used to getting hurt by them." I say
"Are you sure?" Alex says
"Yes. I'm positive." I say smiling
We all get back on the segways head for the stores.

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