Hanging out

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**Tiffany's POV**
I wake up to someone shaking me. I wake up and see Austin's gorgeous eyes.
"Good morning beautiful!" Austin says
"Good morning." I say while yawning.
I sit up and look at the clock. 10:37.
"What do you want to do today?" Austin asks
"It don't matter." I say
"Then we will go to the beach. I already have everything in the car." He says
"So if I said anything we would be going to go to the beach no matter what." I say
"Yup. So it was a good thing you didn't say lets go to the movies or something because I didn't have that in mind." He says smiling really big.
I laugh.
"Oh. I brought you something." he says
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bracelet. The bracelet is made out of diamonds. I can't tell if they are fake or not but I don't care. It's just absolutely beautiful.
"Oh Austin. This is beautiful!" I say
He puts it on and gets up from off the bed.
"You better get ready." he said
He leaves and I call Ashley.
*Phone Call*
"Hey Ashley." I say
"Hey Tiffany!" She says
"I'm not coming to the store today." I say
"Oh okay. I was just about to tell you that you we have a surprise for you and we didn't want you to come in." she says
"Um okay." I say
"Don't worry everything is fine." She says
"Have fun!" She says and hangs up.
*End of phone call*
I go to my closet and pick out the teal bikini with white polka dots. I grab short Jean shorts and a black tank top.
I head to the bathroom and change into my bikini and but my shorts and tank top over it. I put on some waterproof mascara and head back to my room. I grab my favorite towel that has pink, green, and purple stripes on it and head downstairs to see Austin talking to Cole. I decide to eavesdrop.
"What do you think she will say?" Austin asks
"I think she will say yes." Cole says
"What about your guy's parents?" Austin asks
"They will probably allow it." Cole says
"Great! I can't wait to tell her!" Austin says.
I turn around and act like I just came down the stairs.
"Ready to go?" He asks
"Yup." I say
"You two have fun but not too much fun!" Cole says
Austin chuckles and we head out into the driveway.
We get in the car and sit in silence for a little bit.
"I have a surprise for you later." he says
"That's funny. Ashley said the same thing to me this morning." I laugh
Austin fake laughs.
He must be hiding something unless that means he and Ashley teamed up for my surprise.
We sit in silence for the rest of the way to the beach. Austin parks the car and we grab the stuff in the back and find a place to sit.
I take off my shorts and tank top. I grab the sunscreen and put it on my legs, arms, stomach, and shoulders.
"Hey Austin?" I ask
"Yes." he says
"Can you put some sunscreen on my back please?" I ask
"Of course beautiful." he says with a really big smile on his face.
He grabs the sunscreen from me and puts some in his hands. He massages it into my back and puts the sunscreen back into the bag.
"Thanks." I say
I look at Austin and I can tell he sees something in the corner of his eye.
"What is it." I ask
"It's the paparazzi." he says
"There's no need to worry about them." he says
"Besides you wi get use to it." he says
"How come in have that strange look on your face then?" I ask
"Because I always try to find where the paparazzi is." He says
"Anyways, you ready to swim?" He asks
"Yup." I say
He grabs my waist and throws me over he shoulder. I don't bother screaming or saying 'put me down' cause I already know the answer. Austin walks into the water and he takes me off his shoulder he puts me down for a second and then picks me back up and throws me farther into the ocean. I scream.
As I swim back to shore I feel something on my leg. It try to shake it off and pull my leg out of it but it doesn't work. I can't see what has my leg.
"Austin!" I yell
"My leg is stuck on something." I say
Austin swims over and grabs my leg
"Your leg is tangled good." he says as he keeps pulling on my leg.
I then realize that we aren't really that close to the shore. Me and Austin can't touch the bottom.
"My legs are hurting." I say from one trying to stay above the water and two to try get my leg loose.
"Just hang in for a few more minutes." he says
"Can you tell what has my leg?" I ask
"It's seaweed." he says
He finally gets my leg loose and we swim back to shore. My legs hurt so bad from kicking for so long. We make it to the shore and we just lay in the sand exhausted.
I get up and brush the sand off of me. I go back to the chairs. I sit down and put on my sunglasses on. Austin comes over and sits in his chair. He pulls the cooler over to him.
"Do you want some nice cold lemonade?" he asks
"I would love that." I say smiling
He grabs two cups and pours lemonade into both of them. He hands me one.
"Thanks." I say
I take a sip and put the cup in the sand.
"So are you liking your family?" Austin asks
"Ya. I've only been with them for a few days. It's kind of awkward I guess." I say
"Why is it awkward? Don't you know them?" He asks
"Ya and that's what makes it awkward. They were my brothers' friends. Cole is the only one I see everyday cause he does online school and Jack I don't know what he does after school." I say
we sit in silence for a little while.
"Hey what happened to your bracelet I gave you this morning?" Austin asks
"Shoot! I most have lost it!" I say
We both run back into the water and start looking around to see if we can find the bracelet.
"We are never going to find it." I say disappointed
We look for 5 more minutes and we don't find it. We start walking back to shore.
"Loose something?" Someone says
We look up and see Alex holding my bracelet. I run over to him.
"Thank you so much!" I say hugging him.
"Ya no problem." he says
"How did you know it was mine?" I ask
"Austin and I went together. He wanted a special gift for you." He says smiling
Alex, Robert, and Zach all go over to Austin.
"Thanks man. I'm glad she didn't loose it." Austin says
"Is the surprise ready for later?" Austin asks
"Ya. They are just putting the decorations and stuff up." Zach says
"Cool. I can't wait." Austin says
I walk over to my seat and sit down trying to put my bracelet back on.
"Let me help you." Austin says grabbing the bracelet out of my open hand and putting it back on.
"Thanks." I say
The rest of the gang comes over and sets up their chairs.
"So Tiffany, can you sing?" Robert asks
"I don't sing much. I usually dance to the music or just listen." I say
"You don't sing in the shower?" Austin asks
"Nope." I say
"But I have music playing." I say
They all look at me.
"What?" I say
"Nothing." They all say in sync
"Do you and Austin have any plans for later?" Alex asks winking at me
"Actually yes ." I say winking back
Alex's eyes go wide.
"I'm just kidding." I say laughing
"Austin has a surprise for me later." I say
They all nod. I can tell that they are trying not to smile.
We stay at the beach all day playing in the ocean, playing football, and just relaxing. I've laughed so much today that my stomach hurts. We stay until the sun is completely down.
"You guys wanna get some ice cream?" Zach asks
"Ya!" We all say
I put on my shorts and my tank top over my bikini. We grab everything and throw it in the back of his car. We all hop in the car. I get the front seat and Alex, Robert, and Zach are in the back.
Austin parks in an empty parking lot. We get out and start heading to the ice cream shop 3 blocks away. Austin grabs my hand. I smile at him and we continue to walk.
Alex, Robert, and Zach are talking about these girls they saw earlier.
"I can't wait to show you the surprise!" Austin says super excited
"I can't wait either!" I say
We walk the rest of the way in silence listening to Alex, Robert, and Zach talk.
Zach opens the door for all of us. We all order our ice cream and start walking back to the car since Austin wanted me to see the surprise as soon as possible. I got strawberry with sprinkles.
"So Tiffany, do you have any idea what the surprise will be?" Robert asks
"No I don't have a clue." I say
We all walk in silence eating our ice cream. By the time we make it to the car all of us have finished our ice cream. We throw our paper bowls away and get in the car.
We all sit in silence. Austin turns on the radio and we just listen to Austin singing along.
When we come to a stop I look up since I was on my phone the whole time. We are back at the store.
"You ready for your surprise?" Austin asks
A/N: I hope you guys are liking the book!
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