Vaction Part 4

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I wake up to a sharp pain in my toe.
"My toes hurts." I complain
"We'll get you some medicine sweetie." My dad says
Austin is laying next to me. He yawns.
"How are you feeling?"
"Okay but my toe still hurts."
"Why don't we just go shopping." Mom asks
"Sounds good to me." Jack says
"Sure why not." I say
Everybody finishes getting ready and we load up in the car.
We first stop at a souvenir shop. There is a whole bunch of decorations and clothing. I didn't see anything that caught my eye so I just followed Austin around. He didn't find anything good either. I look over and see that Jack has his hands full. I laugh watching him struggle with keeping all the souvenirs in his arms.
"Do you need some help?" I ask walking over to him
"Sure. Here take this."
He hands me a conch and multiple shirts.
After everybody was done looking, we bought the souvenirs and left.
"Where do you guys want to go next?"
"Can we get some breakfast?" Cole asks
We stop at a breakfast dine in. It was really small and old but we were told it was one of the best places to eat at.
I ordered chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Cole ordered a crazy dozen donuts. Austin ordered the same thing as me. Jack just wanted bacon and eggs. My parents ordered 4 gigantic pancakes that they would share.
My parents were asking a bunch of questions about touring and his favorite cities and stuff.
I started to think about what my family trips were like.

We drove everywhere because my parents didn't have enough money to fly but that didn't bother us. Every thanksgiving we'd go to Iowa to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin. We never went anywhere else just Iowa every year. When I was really little I'd go to my grandparents house in Montana to celebrate Christmas but after my grandma died we stopped going. We would also visit our other family when we went in the summer. The majority of my family lived in Montana because my mom was born there and the majority of the family there was from my mom's side. The family on my dad's side was scattered in different states so we didn't really visit them. In the summertime we'd go to Colorado and spend a week in the mountains. We would rent a cabin and go downtown and explore or just go somewhere to eat. We never went in the winter because nobody knew how to ski or snowboard and it was very expensive. I never got the chance to go to Disneyland or Disneyworld. I never knew what a beach was like until we moved to Florida. We had lived in a couple different states because of my dad's work. I felt so left out when it came to money because we parents could never afford a house or even a brand new car. We weren't able to get new clothes every week or even every month. We got them once a year usually before school started. The only reason we were able to live in Florida was because my dad's company he worked for payed for a lot of things when we moved and one of things was a house.

"Crystal how does that sound?"
I snap back into reality confused.
"What did you say?"
"I said did you want to go shopping for some clothes?" My mom said
"Oh sure that's fine."
After everyone was finished eating Austin payed for the bill even though my parents refused that he did.

We arrive at a clothes store.
"You should buy a hula outfit with a coconut bra and straw skirt." Cole says laughing
I shake my head.
"I won't buy it unless you buy a hula outfit with me."
"Not happening."
"Okay then I'm not getting it."
"Okay." Is all he says walking away and I just laugh at his reaction.
I start looking at a rack of clothes. Nothing catches my eye so I move onto another rack.
I end up getting three tank tops: Red, black, and white.
I also get a couple pairs of shorts and then we leave the store.
We head back to the hotel. As soon as I enter the room I crash on my bed wondering what was making me so tired when we hadn't even done anything. I ended up falling asleep to the sound of some beach party that was going on across the street from our hotel.

I open my eyes to find that no one is around. I grab my phone to check for any texts and of course there's none.
"Great they just left me here without telling me anything" I think.
Austin comes out of the bathroom once again in just a towel after his shower looking hot as ever. I blush a little bit.
"Oh I didn't know you were awake" he says
"Where is everyone?" I ask
"They went to that coffee shop near by"
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"Maybe an hour" he says.
I sit up and instantly get a throbbing headache. I groan.
"What's wrong" Austin asks with a concerned look on his face
"I have a throbbing headache, probably because I haven't drank anything."
He hands me a bottled water and I chug it down. I look down at my toe and see that I have completely bled through my bandage. I get up and grab the gauze and the tape to rewrap my toe. I must have hit it on something to cause it to start bleeding again.
I look out the window and see that the beach party is still going.
"Did you want to go to that?" Austin asks
"No I'd rather not."
"Ok how about going to the hotel pool?"
"Yeah sure that sounds relaxing" I say
I grab my plain black one piece and go to the bathroom to put it on.
I then grab a towel and we head down. There's only two other people there and they are an older couple.
I put my towel down and Austin grabs me and throws me into the pool with me screaming.
I come up for air and Austin jumps in.
"So tell me how a girl your age gets their own store. I know you don't have a lot of money." He asks
"Well since you've been in it you know it isn't that big and it's kind of crowded. Anyways it was a gift from my grandparents. They rarely came to see their grandkids and felt bad so they had been saving up to buy each kid something that they would use. They knew I would was into sewing and fashion and making clothes so they thought they'd buy a small place for me to start a business. To say the least it has definitely payed off since I met you."  I say with a smile on my face.
He pulls me in for a kiss.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He says with a really big smile
"Race ya to the end and back" I say taking off
"Oh it's on!" He yells
I got a head start but still end up losing.
"I win, I win" He says cheering.
"Shut up" I say splashing him with a big wave of water.
We get out and go into the nearby hot tub.
"This feels nice" I say getting in.
"You better change that bandage when we get back to the hotel so you don't get an infection" He says kind of demanding
"No really Sherlock" I say jokingly
We get back to the hotel. I change into my clothes and change my bandage. I leave the bathroom and collapse onto the bed. I end falling asleep.
*Austin's POV*
She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.
I see that I'm getting a phone call from Alex.
"Hey man" I say
"How are things going?"
"Great. The family is enjoying themselves. Tiffany had a little mishap but I think she's having fun."
"What kind of mishap?"
"We went to the beach and I took her jet skiing. We hit a pretty big wave and she flew off and then something but her pinky toe almost completely off."
"Oh man. Is she okay?"
"Yeah she's fine. So how are things back home?" I ask
"Kind of boring without you here."
"Well I'll be back sometime tomorrow. I gotta go. Bye Alex."

The family gets back and brings some sandwiches with them. I eat one. We start having a conversation and before you know it, it is time to go to bed. Paul and Andy leave to go to their room. Cole and Jack get into their bed and I curl up with Tiffany who's been asleep for hours.

I wake up to the sound of Tiffany's dad knocking on the door telling us to get up. We all get up and change. We then pack our bags to get ready to leave. We go downstairs to the breakfast area. I get sausage and eggs and Tiff gets a bowl of cereal with a strawberry yogurt. We all sit together keeping our conversations at a minimum because we're all tired from waking up early. We finish our breakfast and go back to our rooms. We grab the bags and go to the car where Tiffany's parents are already waiting.
"You kids have everything?"
"Yes" we all say in sync.
We get into the car and head to the airport. We go through security and make it to our gate and hour before our plane leaves. We sit and the waiting area and Tiffany puts her head on my shoulder.
We board the plane. I get the window seat. Tiffany sits next to me. I drift off to sleep watching the clouds pass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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