Bad News Strucks

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**Tiffany's POV**
We had been on tour for 4 months and it has ended. Zach's surgery went really well and his ankle healed up in 8 weeks. The doctor said he couldn't play basketball for awhile and that he had to take it easy.
We are on our way back home.
I wake up to having a headache and that my stomach hurts. I just stay in bed because Austin is asleep next to me and I can't possible walk over him and not wake him up. I lay back down and look out the window. I just watch as everything goes by quickly. I hear a yawn.
"Good morning Austin!" I say
"Good morning Tiff."
"Is Tiff my nickname?" I ask
"It is now." He says
I crawl out of bed and stand up to stretch. I throw my hair into a messy bun and walk out of the room. Everybody else is still sleeping so Austin gets a blow horn. He presses the button and I start laughing so hard when Alex falls out of his bed.
They all yell at Austin. I hear my phone ringing. It's Cole.
"Hello?" I say
"Wait I can't hear you. Just a sec." I say through the phone
They all go quiet.
"What did you say Cole?" I ask
"I have to tell you something important when you get home."
"Why don't you just tell me now?" I ask
"Because I don't think you will be able to handle it right now." he says
"Then why are you telling me?" I ask getting mad
"Because I need you home as soon as possible so don't decide to go somewhere or do anything. As soon as you and Austin get in the car come straight home."
"Ok fine whatever." I say
"Give the phone to Austin." He says
"Austin, Cole wants to talk to you!" I yell
"Hello?" He says
"Okay I can do that... Yes I promise Cole... Okay bye."
He hangs up and gives the phone back to me as he heads to the room.
I put the phone in my pocket and follow Austin back to our room.
He sits on the bed. I close the door.
"Why are you so protective of me?" I ask
He stays quiet for a little bit before he answers.
"Because if anything happens to you I'm responsible for it and I will be the first person they come talk to." He says
"That doesn't answer my question." I say
"What do you mean? I just answered it."
"They way you talk to me and say don't go anywhere and stay close to me doesn't sound like the proper answer for why you're being so protective." I say
"You like to start arguments." he says
"Quit trying to avoid answering my question."
"Ok fine." He starts
"I just don't want anyone to hurt you. Since you're already deeply hurt inside I don't want you to get hurt even more then you already are. Besides I made a promise to Cole saying that I wouldn't let anything happen to you while we're on tour." He looks kind of relieved after I tell him
I just stand there not knowing what to do. I decide to change the subject.
"So what did Cole tell you on the phone?" I ask without making eye contact
"Are you trying to change the subject because you can't handle the truth?" He says smirking a little
"No. How am I suppose to respond to that!" I say angrily
"Calm down I was just joking." He says
"But to answer your question Cole just told me that I had to promise to take you home as soon as we get off this tour bus and just drive you straight home. "
"Did he say why?" I ask
"Nope. Nothing at all." He says standing up
He walks toward me and stops a couple of feet in front of me.
"Come here." he says
I walk forward a little and he opens his arms. I walk into his arms. He wraps his arm around me and I wrap my arms around his lower back.
We stand there hugging each other for a couple minutes when Robert comes in.
"Oh sorry. Am I interrupting?" He says
We both stop hugging each other.
"No not all." Austin says
"Are you sure?" He asks
"Yeah. You're fine." I say
"I came to see if you guys wanted to stop and get a bite to eat?" He asks
"Sure sounds good." Austin says
"Where are we stopping?" I asked
"I don't know. Wherever you want to stop." Rob says
"Okay we will tell you in a little bit." Austin says
We watch Robert sit back on the couch in the living room.
"Where do you want to eat?" Austin asks grabbing my hand
"Um well I'm craving pancakes." I say
"How about IHOP?" He asks
"Ya that sounds good."
Austin walks out.
"Tiffany wants IHOP." He says to no one in particular
"Cool. We all wanted pancakes anyway." Alex says
Austin walks back to me and shuts the door.
I sit on the bed because I was feeling dizzy.
"Can you please get me a glass of water, Austin?" I ask
"Sure." he says
He opens the door and walks out. He comes back with the water and hands it to me.
"You feeling okay?" He asks somewhat concerned
"Ya I'm fine. I just got light headed and dizzy."
"You better sit for awhile." he says coming to sit next to me
He sits down and grabs my hand again but this time we entwine our fingers. I put my head on his shoulder.
"What do you think the news is?" Austin asks me
"I don't know. Probably something bad."
"Why do you say that?" He asks
"Just by the tone of his voice when he talked to me on the phone. He sounded really sad like he was about to cry." I say
"Ya I noticed that too a little but not too much because he was more strict with me telling me that you had to come home."
We sit in silence for awhile.
"So when are we stopping?" I ask lifting my head off his shoulder and making eye contact with him.
"Soon." he says flashing me a smile
We both stand up and go into the living room where everybody else is.
Zach and Robert are playing each other again on the Playstation.
Austin sits down while I go grab a water bottle out of the fridge.
I sit between Austin and Alex. Austin puts his arm around me and I snuggle closer to him laying my head again on his shoulder with my hand on his chest.
We just stay cuddling watching Zach and Rob play.
"Did you enjoy the tour?" Alex asks
I sit up and and look at him.
"Yes. I had an amazing time! I've been to many new states that I had always wanted to go to. I've been enjoying myself this whole time." I say
"That's good. It looks like you did have a lot of fun." He says smiling
I lay on Austin's lap just staring at his smiling face looking down at me.
He starts playing with my hair. I play with his necklace.
"Come on Robert. You just gave up your lead." Austin says
"I'll get it back." Rob says
"You're in the 4th quarter with 5 minutes left. I don't think you will get your lead back." Austin says
"Oh come on that wasn't even a foul!" Rob yells at the tv
"Do you ever play Alex?" I ask
"Sometimes but not very often." he replies
"We'll be at IHOP in about 10 minutes." Zach says after the game was finished
Austin starts talking about some things he wanted to add on to his house and that he had to buy more shelves for the shoes he bought.

After 15 minutes we stop at IHOP. We all get at and feel a nice breeze blowing our hair.
"This breeze feels good." Zach says
"Ya it does. We've been in a warm hot sweaty bus all day." Robert says
We all walk in and sit down. A waiter comes up to us.
"Can I take your order?" She says
We all order our food and just chit chat about the most randomness things ever.
I just stare out the window slowly zoning out to there conversation.
I watch as cars go pass. Listening to the late night calls of the birds. Watching the trees swift side to side slightly. Everything is just so calming.
I snap back into reality when I smell the food.
I ordered chocolate chip pancakes with bacon. I grab the syrup and pour like half the bottle on. I bite into it and immediately want another stack of the pancakes.
After IHOP we go back to the tour bus. We all head off to our beds exhausted from a long day.
I grab my white pajama pants with rainbow polka dots on it and a orange tank top. I go to the main bathroom and take a quick shower. I lather my hair in strawberry shampoo and then I use the strawberry conditioner. I wash my body in coconut body wash. I step out and wrap a red towel around me. I also wrap my hair in another red towel.
I remove the rest of my make up off and get the blow dryer out. I unwrap my the towel from my hair and turn on the blow dryer. After my hair is all dry I brush it. I unwrap myself from the towel and put on my tank top and pajama pants. I leave the bathroom and see Austin laying in bed looking at something on his phone.
"Hey." I say
"I'll move over." he says moving to the widow side
"Thanks." I say
He turns off his phone and puts it next to the window seal.
He curls up with me.
"Your hair smells really good." he says with his face in my hair
"Thanks. It's strawberry." I say
He puts his hand on my stomach and I place my hand over his.
"Did you have a great time on tour?" He asks
"Oh my gosh yes! It was so amazing. I loved watching you perform all the songs."
"Which ones your favorite?" He asks
"Um I like all of them. I like Say My Name and Next To You a lot." I reply
"Hmm those are good ones." he says drifting off into sleep
I look over slightly and see Austin asleep. I turn on my side with my back facing him and fall asleep listening to his breathing and the touch of his hand.
The bus comes to a hard stop
"Are you ready to be home?" Zach asks me
"Yes and no. I loved the traveling but it's good to be getting back into the swing of things."
Joe the bodyguard puts mine and Austin's bags into the trunk of his car.
We say goodbye and Austin and I are in the car driving back to my house.
*25 minutes later*
We pull into the driveway and get out. We don't bother grabbing the bags because we remembered that Cole has something important to tell us.
I knock I the door. A tired looking Jack opens the door. He has rolls under his eyes and he looks like he hasn't gotten any sleep for a number of days.
I step into the house. Cole comes down the stairs and pulls me into a hug not saying a word.
**Austin's POV**
Tiffany is pulled into a hug. Cole looks exactly like Jack. He has bags under his eyes which are slightly black. Looking at them I can tell something very tragic happened.
I noticed that they both changed a little. Jack has really long hair (almost like a girls') and Cole cut his hair short (almost like a buzz cut).
Cole is just tightly hugging Tiffany. I can tell it's that type of hug that he is afraid of loosing her.
Jack goes and sits on an old blue navy couch with the color slowly fading. It looks like it hasn't been sat on in years.
I stare back at Cole and Tiffany.
"What happened?" I hear her whisper very softly
"It's about mom and dad." Cole says shakily
Tiffany doesn't say anything. Cole starts talking really softly again
"Mom and dad got in a car accident on their way home from the airport."
"They were taken to a hospital where doctors examined them." He continues
I barely hear the last sentences before he breaks out into tears.
"Mom and Dad are in a coma." is what he had said
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