Our First Fight

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After 2 weeks of mom and dad being in the hospital after waking up from their coma, they can finally come home.
Everything is finally back to normal. Jack is back to his normal self. He is month and 2 weeks clean. We still have to keep an eye on him though. Cole and Jack and getting along very well now. As for me, I'm back to going to the store everyday. Austin hasn't had a lot of free time so I don't get to see him everyday. I haven't seen him since my birthday party 2 weeks ago. He'll send me a 'good morning' text and that's it. He doesn't have much time to talk to me on the phone since he's busy writing. I don't mind because I'm busy as well. I'm constantly getting orders made and have to order more materials and making sure I satisfy the customers' needs. He's working on music and he lets me listen to the song before he lets his mahomies hear it.
The store gets busier and busier everyday. We make a profit of about $3,000 everyday. With the money we make we buy better materials. We have started making leather purses and boots. The left over money gets saved just in case we need something or it goes to my employees paychecks.
I've been wanting to do something special for Austin but I don't know what. He's bought me some really nice things and I want to give him something in return. And besides he's busy and I don't know when he'll find time to hang out with me.
My parents always ask him to come over for dinner but his response is 'I would love to but I am super busy trying to get a new album out but thank you for the offer.' They have yet to see Austin. They know he's a good kid and all but they want to to get to know him better. They sometimes ask me 'are you sure this relationship is going to work out? You two are so busy all the time. You don't have time for each other and you don't see each other everyday even if it's to say hi.' I never know how to respond to that question. I've had so much time to think about this question. I see what their saying. We definitely don't see each other very often. I don't like thinking about it because I don't want to break up with him. My mom says that when she meets him she's going to talk to him about this and my feeling is that she'll have him see the reality and have us break up.
As of right now I'm laying in my bed on my side looking at the window just thinking about all this. I should be asleep at 1:30am because I have to work. I roll over and onto my back and see a figure of someone laying next to me in my bed. I jump out of my bed. I grab the baseball bat beside my dresser (it was in my room because Cole left it in there). The figure gets up from off the bed. I'm shaking as it slowly gets up. It goes over to the light switch and flips on the light. It's Austin.
"What the heck were you doing in my bed?!"
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Then why didn't you text me saying you wanted to come over. You could've given me a heart attack."
I'm still breathing heavily.
"Because I forgot to."
"How did you even get in here?"
"Cole have me a key."
"We're going to have to talk later. My parents aren't going to like seeing you here if they decide to come check on me."
"I can't talk later. This is the only time I actually have time to talk to you Tiffany."
"Ok fine you better hurry though."
"I know we haven't had much time to spend together and I'm assuming you're a little mad about it. I promise you that when I'm done with the album I will hang out with you everyday. I know your parents are mad about it too because Cole told me."
"How much Cole tell you? It seems like you go to him for information and not me! Austin I'm tired of you keeping things from me! I feel like you're just using me!"
"Tiffany don't talk like that! I swear that I'm not using you! Every time I text or call you you don't answer your phone when I need it!"
"So that makes Cole your new best buddy huh! I don't answer my phone because maybe I don't want to talk to you!"
There is silence for a bit.
"Is that really why you don't answer your phone?"
I don't answer.
"Why didn't you just tell me that?"
"Because it should've been obvious. Why do you think I don't answer? You know that I have my phone on my all the time.
"I just thought that you were busy with the store and working all the time."
"That is a terrible assumption."
"And why is it?"
"Because I could assume that you are cheating on me! And that you really aren't making new music you're out with somebody else!"
At this point I'm so frustrated.
"Sometimes I feel like I can't tell you things anymore Austin because you don't tell me what's important in your life!"
"Tiffany you know that you're super important to me."
"Am I really? Because you can't even make time to see me everyday! My parents think that this relationship is not going to work out and maybe they're right!"
"Tiffany you know you understand my schedule."
"Ya I do and I know that after you're done with writing music all day you spend your ALL of your evenings with Alex, Rob, and Zach."
"I don't spend every evening like that!"
"Then you're at the gym. And the least you could do is invite me to go with or to hang out but NO you're to caught up on your own life that you don't have time for me!"
"That is so not true!"
"I can't believe you anymore! Just get out of my house and give me the key back!"
"Does this mean our relationship is over?"
"No. It's just we need some time to think things through and get back to normal." I say extremely calm
"Ok. I'll see you later then." he says handing me the keys and leaving

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