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Metallic is a very distinctive taste oneself can experience at the back of their throat. It is most often described as tasting like the aftertaste after one consumes blood.

Clary's senses were completely heightened. The taste of metallic was bittersweet at least to her - bitter but a sweetly evil feeling as to why she was tasting it.

The second sense that was heightened was the sound of the excruciatingly loud alarm blaring throughout the institution. Clary could not hear herself breathing heavily over the monstrous sound yet her heart was raging with emancipation.

The red haired female crouched down upon approaching a familiar door. She knocked on the door with the barrel of her gun and the door quickly opened. She grabbed onto the elbow of Katie and threw her a pistol.

Dead bodies of security guards littered the floor aswell as their stained blood. Screaming, glass smashing and all sorts of noise filled Clary's brain.

She forced herself to channel her brain into flight or fight mode and desperately tried to block out the chaotic noises distracting her instinct. The two females with a crouched posture ran to the end of the corridor. Clary executed a perfect headshot to the security guard on her left.

Katie ushered them to head right which was the path that would take them further into to the west wing.  A guard popped up from inside one of the isolation rooms to which Katie double shot him - once on the shoulder and once on the neck.

The red haired girl could have sworn she heard her friends loud breathing over the alarm but perhaps it was an illusion of comfort that her friend in fact was still able to breathe. Nevertheless the two hid in an intersection whilst a group of guards ran by - Clary managed to catch her own breath. "Go!" She hissed and the two started to run.

The blonde haired girl was about to reach for the door into the next corridor when the door swung open - Clary quickly cocked her gun. "Don't shoot!" He screamed. The Male held an unconscious girl - she was slung over his left shoulder so that he could grasp his pistol with his right hand.

"Hoseok?" Katie exclaimed partially in shock and partially in the state of confusion.

Clary, however, was more focused on the person who was residing on his muscular shoulder. "What happened?"

Hoseok gasped for a breath, "She was shot on the hip, there are a dozen of guards on my back follow me!" He rasped and took the lead - he was leading them in the direction they had already came from.

Hoseok took the lead - the other two were fairly close at his back. As they paced through the blue corridor an influx of armed men burst into their view.

Clary and Katie took charge of protecting Hoseok and Astatine by fronting him and immediately firing on the guards before they had a chance to shoot first. Clary's grasp on her weapon was steady and fierce as she aimed to cause more collateral than deadly damage on the victims that dropped one by one.

The red haired girl crouched into a lower stance and reloaded her weapon swiftly - during her reloading lag Katie covered for her. Clary shot as many she could see until her weapon ran out of bullets for all. Katie shot her last bullet around the same time leaving one guard standing with his gun aimed towards the females.

Her heart was beating like a drum of thunder she forced herself not to think and just to react. "Stupid fucking Kim Taehyung and his stupid fucking army." She murmured as she broke into a sprint towards the last man standing.

The Black Cross | BTS GANG AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon