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The illuminating lights offered a bright glow along the pathway causing the cobblestone to appear visible to the naked eye. Smaller fairy-lights lined the ceiling of the tent and gave off a softer more dim source of light which created an almost magical atmospheric feeling.

The venue did not hold many people therefore there was no more than fifty occupying the white seats laid out in nearly stacked rows.

At the end of the cobbled path was a table covered in a pristine white cloth containing a large thick book with a leather spine.

On the right hand side of the table stood Aza dressed in a black lacy dress which had a puffy skirt. The black haired female held out a simple golden ring, her smile was huge and from ear to ear.

Across from Aza stood Rosé who wore a white dress that was covered in silver and white crystals and diamonds - real ones of course - Aza had ensured that her fiancé received the best of the best.

The two females murmured words of reassurance as the minister picked up her leather book and cleared her throat to initiate silence in the venue.

From a small distance Clary sat with her right leg crossed over her leg. She held onto Namjoon's hand tightly and silently observed the couple at the front of the tent who were deeply lost in each other's ethereal eyes as they exchanged words. The red haired female couldn't help but steal a secret glance at her boyfriend - imagining how she would feel if their big day were to arrive.

Clary found herself smiling softly as she watched the minister say the most famous words followed by the couple saying 'I do' and exchanging a very passionate, long kiss causing the crowd to erupt into a fit of cheering and applause.

Clary glanced and Namjoon who smiled, "Don't worry babe, that will be us one day. Just you wait," He softly smiled showing his cheek dimples.

The red haired female and brunette's moment was broken as Rosé cleared her throat. "Alright everyone lets head to the dance floor!" She exclaimed and grabbed onto Aza's wrist.

The blonde haired female dragged Aza to the middle of the tent where they stood in the middle of the 'dance floor' which wasn't a designated dance floor, it merely was just a large space out in the open.

The crowd proceeded to make their way to the food tables and the dance floor at their leisure. There was a sudden noise and the struck of a piano key.  Clary scanned the room to spot Min Yoongi playing the piano. He started to play an intensely romantic piece in which Rosé and Aza danced their first and special dance.

Clary gazed at Yoongi who was slamming his pale, veiny hands on the piano keys without even looking at where he was placing them. He was staring into space as he passionately - almost angrily - moved his fingers across the keys at an intense speed. The Male was clearly letting out personal emotions that almost brought a tear to the eyes of many guests.

Katie and Jungkook were the second couple to join in the dance with the newly weds leading the way. Many of the coupled guests started to follow in their lead leaving Clary standing next to Namjoon.

"May I have this dance, princess?" He asked, grinning.

Clary nodded, "Yes you may."

The male offered her his hand in which she grasped onto allowing him to pull her closer. Clary stood on her tip-toes and placed her hand on his broad shoulders. Namjoon's hand in return found her waist and be brought her smaller frame closer to his own.

Namjoon began to lead the dance slowly and the couple waltzed around the room effortlessly. Clary was literally swept off her feet and she couldn't help but gaze into her lover's chocolate brown eyes.

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