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A/N: Double update bc I felt bad for leaving it so long due to a small writers block and school work.

All six of the girls lay amongst the living room with five cups of coffee -Clary preferred tea- but nevertheless each held their head in a similar kind of pain. Needless to say that The Black Cross were having a horrible hangover.

It was around late noon by the time majority of the girls had woken up and one, Astatine, still remained snoozing. That girl could sleep for years at a time and in the past they others thought she had been comatose but apparently she can sleep for twenty four hours.

A random k-Drama was playing softly in the background and there were several mumbles of argument that went like: "Turn that down it's hurting my head!" And then "Turn that up I can't hear over your squabbling!"

Jisoo was extremely grateful that no physical fighting had broken out but that was most likely due to the tiredness and lack of energy. Everyone was just a 'little' bit cranky. That was all.

"Turn that fucking TV down or I'm going to fucking smash it!" Jennie yelled standing up.

"OFT somebodies on their period." Clary laughed.

Jennie growled in response, "JUST BECAUSE I'M ANGRY DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT..."

"WILL EVERYBODY STOP YELLING!" Rosé said... yelling.

"You just yelled!" Lara muttered under her breath causing her to be the victim of several unimpressed glares.

Clary, crossed her arms over her chest, she was more than 'quite' pissed off. "Well maybe, just maybe, if you could handle your fucking drink like an ordinary person instead of a pussy then your hangover wouldn't be so fucking bad! Matter of fact it can't be that bad because your attitude is worse!" She spat angrily.


"Oh my god that's not even valid," Aza whispered to Rosé who shushed her but Lisa heard and started laughing.


Jennie, pretended like those words didn't make her want to punch the smaller hot headed girl. Instead she decided to make her more angry. "OH YEAH WELL WHY DON'T YOU GO GET SOME FUCKING DICK THEN YOU BASTARD!" She snarled.

"YEAH WELL MAYBE I FUCKING WILL!" She hollered and clenched her fist until she was certain a vein may have burst.

Jisoo badly wanted to intervene and tell the two to calm down but everyone knew that when they had their arguments to leave them otherwise it would get worse. Matter of fact Jisoo didn't understand their relationship because they argued like clockwork.

"GOOD! ACTUALLY WHY DON'T YOU RESURRECT NAMJOON! HE SURE AS HELL WOULD BE WILLING, OH WAIT NO YOU FUCKING SHOT HIM BECAUSE YOU TURNED INTO A FUCKED UP PYSCHO!" Jennie shouted so loudly that the room went silent. And maybe after she yelled, she felt the regret.

Clary's breathing became sharp. "Do you know Kim Jennie." She turned to face the girl. "I. Hate. You."

The red haired girl ignored the gasps and she turned around and stormed into the hallway. Grabbing her leather jacket angrily the female lurched for the door and made sure to give it a great slam before she left. How fucking could she? She thought. But no, Clary was not going to spend the day crying or moping around feeling hurt or sorry for herself. She was going out on business to make her business a better one.

After the leader had angrily left the house the tension shot up like a rocket. The one the most angry of course, was Aza. "How could you fucking say that?!" She hissed. "You fine well know what that prick did to her! You fine well know that no matter how much fucking tattoo ink she gets on her arm, his name will still, his name will always be there!" Aza, was clearly getting furious.

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