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After exiting the bathroom Clary noticed the door was opened to the room across from it. The female, curiously entered the room. She gasped in amazement as in front of her was a dance studio the equivalent to the one at school. There were mirrors all around the place. Maybe Hoseok didn't lie and he really did dance.

Maybe they wont notice if I'm another five minutes, she thought. The red head walked into the studio and there was a phone connected to the speakers. It did not have a passcode however it flashed no service and the only app on it was Spotify. The female shuffled Spotify and the first song that came on was, Familiar by Liam Payne. Of course the girl loved k-pop but sometimes it was good to slip into American music.

She especially liked the song because she loved to dance to Latin American beats and Spanish had always been a language that she found beautiful. As she stood in the middle of the floor the girl started with a lot of Spanish moves. She walked to the beat to the music and as the chorus approached she she burst into a complicated hip hop section, the girl moved her hips, swaying effortlessly. Her hand movement was on time and as the next chorus rolled up the girl added in a section of hip rolls before improvising.

She added in a front walkover and continued the dance. When the Spanish part of the song came the girl used more of her hips and legs seen as that was heavily featured in Latin American dancing. Sweating, the girl neared the end of the song. She finished off with more body rolls before doing her signature ending pose.

There was a loud clapping noise and she rolled her eyes. She turned to see Namjoon and Hoseok. "I didn't think you were that good!" The orange haired male was smirking.

Namjoon however showed no such amazement. "Who gave you permission to be here?" Anger was clearly expressed in his tone.

"Puta." She rolled her eyes before walking over to them.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that Puta doesn't mean anything good in Spanish." Namjoon exhaled.

"We should create a routine seen as you're going to be here for a while." Hoseok clapped his hands excitedly.

"Unless that routine involves me killing you then i think I'll have to pass on that." She pushed past the now annoyed male.

"Where'd you think your going?" Namjoon demanded.

"Clearly away from you dumbasses." The girl sighed only for him to grab onto her wrist.

"I think it's time for your now quadruple punishment."

The girl opened her mouth to speak however yelled a swear word as she was picked up by the male. Oh how she'd love to just hook him in the jaw.


Astatine slowly opened her eyes, she had been assigned a room and the two hour nap she just had was needless to say much needed. The brown haired girl squinted at the alarm clock which read 2:40pm.

The interior of the room was clearly designed by Jin, considering the light pink walls. The floor was grey wooden and the furniture was black. The closet was black gloss, as was the bedside table. The blue eyed girl climbed out of the double bed and fixed the pink sheets.

Astatine opened the door to the bedroom and yawned. She blinked heavily as she caught a blur of an angry Namjoon carrying Clary across the corridor. Clary was kicking and yelling at him and Hoseok was there too. Astatine wasn't sure what to do about this.

She bit down a laugh as she witnessed Clary bite Namjoon's shoulder. As quick as the girl could blink, Namjoon dropped Clary and the girl sprinted to Astatine yelling, "FREEDOM!"

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