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Katie sat and watched yet another boring drama show with Jimin. He had given the girl cream for her injuries and just like the old times, there was an unspoken promise that neither would tell anybody.

Jimin pouted at the screen and watched as Katie was staring right through the TV, clearly zoned out and not interested. The male tapped the blonde's shoulder softly and called her name. "Are you alright?" The male asked.

Katie nodded however her eyes said a complete different thing from her small gesture. "I just want to be left."

Jimin squeezed her hand, "Seen as your friends cannot comfort you, why don't I pretend to be them?"

Katie raised an eyebrow as Jimin got up from the sofa. He stood in front of the TV and put his hands on his hips. The Male then crouched lower and exhaled. "Listen girl, you got this! Taehyung is a little bitch and you know that I've always got your back. I'd kill him if I had the opportunity he's second on my list to Namjoon!"

Katie chuckled at Jimin's mannerisms and put on high pitched voice. The blonde then cleared his throat before looking Katie in the eyes. "Oh my god Katie! He's such a terrible person for doing this again! I'll fight him! Just you watch me smack a bitch, ain't nobody gets to hit Katie!"

Katie chuckled again at the male's impression of Aza. He then attempted to change his voice once more. "This is so awful! I'm here for you all the way! We can go and get ice cream and you can cry and we can watch movies!"

At the impression of Astatine, Katie couldn't help but start giggling loudly. Jimin was in reality the only one she could potentially half trust. She knew that he would pick BTS overall over her but she also knew that he was against the abuse. He just couldn't speak up because he was a minority. "Oh Jimin, this is why you're my favourite."

The male smiled before sitting back down next to Katie. "Girl, I'm serious, just pretend that I'm Clary, Aza or Astatine. In fact, I can be all three. If you want ice cream I'll get you it and if you want to cuddle I don't mind and if you want to watch a horror movie that's also fine."

Katie smiled, however it was a clear sad smile. "Thank you." The girl slowly hugged the Male who patted her back in comfort. Jimin rubbed circles in the smalls of her back to calm her down a little because she was visibly tense.

No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't seem to get a certain Male out of her head. The blonde haired girl knew that she was okay as long as she had Jimin with her in this moment. However of course that was all about to change, Jimin couldn't protect her. In a house of horrors, nobody could.


Astatine had unknowingly committed a childhood habit. She wasn't even aware that she had been bitting her nails until she felt a hand lightly smack her hand from her mouth. "What's wrong?" His voice was soft and silky.

The girl was snapped out of her almost trance and she looked down at her nails. The pink varnish was chipped and her nails were all short and damaged. One of them had even started to bleed because she accidentally pulled a piece of skin too far. She sucked on the blood which was beginning to crust around the now damaged cuticle. "Nothing's wrong? Why would you assume that?" She evidently avoided his eyes.

"You told me that you would bite your nails as a child when ever you were stressed, anxious or upset. Do you remember that dear?" He wrapped his arm around her girls small frame. Surprisingly she did not relax into his embrace.

Astatine hummed in response. She wanted to say that it was nothing. But she knew that she was easy to read, especially when it came to Jin. "I'm just anxious for Katie and ultimately stressed over everything that has happened."

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