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It was a clear night, not a cloud in the dark abyss above them. The stars were scattered all over the sky and they looked magnificent. In the corner of the sky was the moons crescent, lighting up the dark. It seemed like a normal night however all sorts happened at ungodly hours in the night. The type of thing that only the moon witnessed, the deed that was horrible yet exhilarating for three high school students who seemed normal.

There was two lights in the background. One of the street lamps was brightly lit and the other was a faint dim orange which was clearly about to go out. No more than ten yards behind them was an under passage leading under a round about. In front of them was a park and not a person in sight to witness the deed.

Clary bit the inside of her cheek and she spared a glance at Aza who slowly nodded. Katie smirked at Clary and lowered her black cap to cover her eyes.

The dark haired girl took a deep breath before she slipped off the surgical mask revealing her face. The air was crispy cold and she could now see her breath. The short girl looked at the Male who whimpered in front of her. "You know the rules Andrew, I do not tolerate late payments," Clary sneered.

The Male put his hands up in fear, he was shaking all over and sweating with fright. "P-please I only need a week and I'll get you the money and I~" Andrew however was cut off by an irritated Aza.

"Coward!" She spat. Her green eyes caught the moonlight cascading above them. "Do you honestly think that you can escape The Black Cross?" The girl laughed at him.

Katie rolled her eyes, "Can we speed this up a little? we have practice tomorrow."

Clary muttered a quiet 'You're right.' To the female on her left. The girl took a bold step towards the Male in front of them. "P-please I'm begging you, have mercy!" He screamed, in hope that somebody, anybody would hear his pleas.

However as quick as lightening Clary whipped the object from her waist band and spent no second thought. As she pressed the trigger a loud bang echoed throughout the under-passage behind them. The male's body collapsed limply onto the concrete and a small pool of red ooze surrounded his head. His scream had been cut off short by the bang. Katie let out a laugh of relief and Aza brought her phone to her ear. "Usual place, clean up needed." The girl ended the phone call before turning to her fellow members.

Clary slowly put the gun back into her waistband and she smirked. "That'll teach them not to mess with us."

Katie vigorously tapped Clary's shoulder for the millionth time. The girl woke up with a shiver and quickly brought herself back to her senses. It had only been a dream of the nights previous events that were still fresh in her mind. "Hurry up and get changed or we will be late!" Katie yelled at Clary.

Clary yawned as the realisation hit her. She had fallen asleep in the changing room before dance practise. The blue eyed girl quickly rushed to put on her dancing clothes as the door to the room opened revealing Aza. "What's taking to long?" She huffed.

Katie glanced at Clary who was half changed and shook her head. The three girls had exchanged from America to South Korea when they were very young. That was one of their reasons for their solid friendship. They all knew what it was like to look like an outcast.

Clary rubbed her blue eyes before shoving her brown hair up in a bun. She quickly tied her shoe laces before jumping up to her feet. "Let's go," She laughed. Her two friends followed by her side.

The three females took their positions on the gym hall floor with the five other girls who took dancing for gym class. The first song lined up was Russian Roulette by Red Velvet.

Immediately the eight girls started dancing without missing a beat. However in the middle of the song there was a beat drop and it changed to Likey by Twice.

A small crowd of basket ball players had gathered to watch the girls dance. Clary pouted a little and did her cute expression. Katie was swaying to the beat smiling softly and Aza was so into the routine that you would suspect she was apart of Twice.

To the high school the three girls were foreigners who were really cute and possibly could be the next Twice or Red Velvet. Nobody would ever suspect them as The Black Cross for they appeared much too innocent to be associated with such criminal activities.

As the next song, Dumb Dumb came on the speaker the basket ball team cheered, ignoring the teachers yells for them to get back to work.

Clary smirked and winked at one of the males and Aza pouted with her finger on her lip

Of course acting cute and innocent in school wasn't difficult; it was like a game. After all when the three left school for the day that naïve childish game turned into the hunger games.

Whilst dancing Clary caught one of the males deeply checking out Katie's figure. Oh how much did the leader want to put a bullet through head of scum. However her cover was more important than her pride so she bit down her thoughts and got her head back into the routine.

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