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When Astatine eventually woke up it was around twelve in the morning and she had slept the entire day. The annoying thing was that she did not wake up naturally.

The female woke up due to the presence of a shadow and she rubbed her sleepy eyes. She gasped and was about to yell when a hand clamped her mouth shut cutting off all sound.

Astatine's eyes widened in shock and confusion as she faced the male for the third time. It couldn't be her imagination, or could it? The male never spoke, he leaned down and as he slipped his hand off her mouth he replaced it with his lips.

Astatine pushed the male off of her and was about to yell again when his husky voice stopped her. "Don't." Jin's tone was commanding.

The short girl's heart was beating insanely fast and she couldn't do anything for the male opened the window and jumped out of it. Astatine looked around her room. There was no way in. The window locked from the inside and the door too.

She ran over to the window and when she looked out onto the dark street she seen no trace of the male that had allegedly jumped out of her window seconds ago.

Astatine shook her head. What was going on? She had to be making this up, of course because there was no physical way into her bedroom.

The girl reached for her phone and seen various messages from the girls.

Jisoo ~ 18 messages

Aza ~ 9 messages

Lisa ~ 14 messages

Rosé ~ 11 messages

Lara ~ 12 messages

Clary ~ 1 message.

The brunette decided to read Clary's so when she clicked on it the girl was brought to a short paragraph explaining what she had missed during her sleep. Astatine didn't bother to open any messages from the others because she knew it would be about the same thing.

Looking at the time the female decided to send a short message to Clary asking her if she was home yet and to which the reply came instantly. Clary was in her bedroom.

Astatine sighed in relief that her friend had not done anything stupid and was safe at home. The girl knew that her friend would want space so she decided against checking up on her further.

The brunette slowly stretched before unlocking her bedroom door. As she stood outside into the hall she picked up on the eerie silence.

Astatine exhaled before padding down the hallway quietly to ensure she wouldn't wake anyone. From the harsh quiet music coming from Aza's bedroom the blue eyed girl guessed that Aza had an argument with Rosé. The girl always listened to music after a hard day.

She also acknowledged that Rosé's bedroom light was on due to the soft glow peaking from under the door.

Astatine walked past the bedrooms and eventually reached the staircase. As she walked downstairs she was instantly greeted by the optimistic chirping from the eldest. "Did you sleep well? Do you want any food?" Jisoo asked.

Astatine shook her head, "Just a glass of water and maybe a coffee."

Jisoo rolled her eyes as she switched the kettle on. "You've slept for almost twenty four hours you must eat something."

"Jisoo I'm not hungry I swear!" Astatine shouted over the boiling noise of the steaming kettle.

"At least have some toast or something!" Jisoo offered.

"At 12am?" Astatine questioned.

Jisoo nodded and the brunette knew that she'd have to oblige and eat something to satisfy the older girl. Especially because it would be rude to deny food from Jisoo who was a great cook.

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