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Clary decided to leave the question for now, she didn't want to push any wrong buttons so she kept quiet. The blue eyed girl climbed out of the car and she then walked to the other side. Just as she was about to pick up Katie a voice stopped her. "I'll get her, you need to rest." Jennie lightly pushed Clary out of the way.

"What do you think I'm not strong enough?" Clary asked.

"I never said anything about your strength, you're exhausted and you encountered a part of your past that you weren't ready for. You need to rest, I'll lift Katie." Jennie corrected the female causing her to sigh.

Jennie leaned into the car and scooped Katie into her arms before lifting her out of the vehicle and closing the door with her foot.

If Clary wasn't as tired as she was she would have been in awe at the mansion in front of them. Clearly black pink lived together like The Black Cross, that was another thing they had in common.

The blue eyed girl followed Jennie into the house, and to what she presumed was the living room. The two females were in awe at the sight before them. Aza had fallen asleep with her head on Rosé's chest and they were both sound asleep on the sofa. Lying on the floor with a blanket fort was Lisa and Jisoo who were both also sleeping.

Jennie smiled at the scene and she then slowly lowered a sleeping Katie in between Lisa and Jisoo. Katie mumbled something inaudible in her sleep before turning and snuggling into Lisa. Lisa turned around and cuddled the girl back causing Jennie to chuckle.

Clary looked at the five girls and she had a feeling that they wouldn't split anytime soon. They looked cosy and natural, like they fell asleep that way all the time. Even though they all just met that day. 

"Come on we'll crash upstairs it doesn't look like there's any room for us here." Jennie yawned.

Clary silently followed the girl upstairs and into a bedroom. The walls were painted purple and there was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room. "I agree that it was right not to tell them. They fit together perfectly and telling them right now would ruin that so I think we should wait a couple of weeks," Clary said in a tired tone.

Jennie nodded, the girl went into her closet and brought out two pairs of shorts and a shirt. She threw the clothes at Clary who caught them. Jennie quickly got changed into her nightwear and Clary turned around for privacy. After Jennie was finished she kept her gaze on Clary who smirked. "Turn around, it's called privacy."

Jennie grinned, "Thought you may want to strip for me baby."

"Not a chance now turn!" Clary exclaimed, blushing at how smooth the girl was.

The taller girl sighed before respecting Clary's wishes. The female quickly got changed into the short booty shorts that she was almost sure Jennie gave her on purpose. She then threw on the shirt which was really long on her. Once she was finished Jennie turned around.

Jennie bit her lip and obviously looked the other female up and down before flopping down onto the bed tiredly. Clary stood there confused. Was she supposed to lie with her or what? They only started dating. Christ they only met this day and already it was hectic. "Are you going to join me or are you going to stand there?" Jennie asked abruptly cutting off the smaller females thoughts.

Clary sighed before climbing into bed, it wasn't long before both girls were fast asleep.


"They're so cute!" A voice whispered.

"Shhh don't be too loud!"

"You'll wake them you idiot!"

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