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The seven females gathered in the living room and the first to speak was Jennie. "Aza did explain why we were summoned here however I have a feeling it was something to do with two members of BTS following us."

The three girls gasped at once. "You lost them before entering right?!" Clary almost yelled.

Jennie grinned, "Of course we did what do you take us for? Amateurs?"

There was a silence, "Well I guess it's time to tell you that we're The Black Cross," Aza announced.

However there was not a single bit of shock of the room. "Obviously, did you honestly think we didn't know?" Lisa asked.

"Are we joining forces?" Rosé looked at Aza as she spoke.

"I think for now that Jennie and I can agree that we can make an alliance until further notice where we may join forces officially," Clary said eyeing Jennie.

The female nodded, "that's exactly what I was thinking."

The dark haired female spoke up, "What is the whole BTS thing all about?"

Aza and Clary wound up silent and surprisingly it was Katie who answered. "We can't tell you the full story but to cut it short they held us captivate and they manipulated and went as far as physically hurting us. BTS are ruthless and they're cruel insane boys that everyone has to stay clear of. The reason they followed you is because they know that I'm Skull and as Jennie has probably told you, at the club they kidnapped me but Clary and Jennie got me back." The female explained fully.

Aza looked a little annoyed that Jennie had helped Clary without her acknowledgment, especially when it was to do with BTS. "I don't even want to begin to imagine what those boys put you through," Rosé said quietly.

The blue haired girl cleared her throat. "We know BTS are not to be messed with, they know that Katie is Skull and they'll get Aza and Clary's name soon enough if we aren't careful." Lisa's voice was strong and dominated the room.

"We know you don't want to go into detail but how bad a history are we talking about? What would you hypothesise they do if they knew it was you three that are The Black Cross?" Jisoo asked softly.

Clary looked the taller girl in the eyes, "If they knew it was us, they'd keep us captive in their hell again. We'd be brutally tortured and probably killed..." she paused before looking at the others. "But most likely knowing Namjoon and Taehyung they'd keep Katie and I for their sick pleasures before they killed us." The female shivered.

Black pink didn't have all the details but it was enough to let them know that the situation was bad. "We all have to be cautious when we're in public we need to stay alert at all times and make sure we are one hundred percent sure of our surroundings and If you're even ninety nine percent sure you're not being followed then you go on that one percent and you take a de-route until you're one hundred percent certain you're alone." Jennie announced causing all of the females to murmur in agreement.

After the agreement the girls agreed to call it a night for the next day was a Monday.

"Me likey likey likey likey likey, Twice Twice!" The speakers boomed as the dancers got into formation once again for the chorus.

The girl were extremely good at getting into the mood of the songs. Clary jumped up from the sides and started to rap as the other girls made space for her. Aza joined in rapping with the girl as the song came into the next verse.

All Clary was thinking about was how she really wanted to punch somebody but it was impossible to tell that from her cute expressions. She kept having visions of Jung Hoseok entering the gym hall and each made her more infuriated. How could she have been so careless? She should have left as soon as she recognised him, following him was down to curiosity and now she felt like a fool for doing so. They already knew Katie is Skull so how long before they track her to the high school. How long before the figure out the purple girl is the leader and Clary? How long until they find out Aza?

The Black Cross | BTS GANG AUΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα