Chapter 30

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⚠️Self harm⚠️

"Everything okay?" Felix asks, seeing Minho come down look a bit sad.

"What? Oh, it was my mum, one of my cats have had to be taken to the vets." Minho gives a smile. Hyunjin needs to be the one to talk to Felix and let Felix decide for himself.

"I know what will make you happy." Jisung waddles over to Minho through the water. Minho watches Jisung cautiously as Jising just stands in front of him with a ridiculous grin on his face.

Without a seconds notice Jisung slowly places his hand halfway into the water before quick scooping it up and splashing it into Minho's face. Unimpressed, Minho glares at Jisung who's still grinning away. Spitting out the bit of water that got in his mouth, Minho doesn't notice the others creeping in on him till it's too late. Water is sent flying everywhere with no escape.

After a good splash session getting them all drenched and the adrenaline flowing, they lie out on the sand under the beaming sun. The golden sun is the only thing in the sky today, no clouds covering, making the ocean looks like it goes up into the sky, the world is one big loop.

"We chose a good day." Chan nods to himself, happy that everyone is also happy.

"We sure did," Minho mumbles when in his head he still can't get the phone call with Hyunjin out of his head. His voice playing on repeat, something isn't right but there's nothing he can do.

"Yeah, well I'm hungry," Jisung says getting up from the sand and heads into the tent they brought to store everything in.

"Me too but are you ever not hungry?" Changin follows after. Soon leading to them all preparing lunch early and eating.

"Want me to help?" Felix sits down next to Minho at the BBQ watching as the food is beautifully made.

"Nah I've got this. You just enjoy and eat." Minho picks up a piece of cooked pork belly and gives it to Felix to taste.

"Mmmh!" Felix gives a thumbs up really enjoying it. "You are a really good cook." Felix isn't being nice or anything he genuinely enjoys it. The fat is just right, crispy on the outside but soft on the inside.

"That's good, it'll be a few minutes till its all ready. Can you get me a bottle of water from the tent." Minho says flipping the belly pork over, his mouth watering at the food.

Unzipping the tent Felix climbs in looks in the cool box for some water bottles. Taking one for Minho and one for him, Felix makes his way out when he hears a phone vibrating as if someone is calling. Looking around he finds the phone under his coat and answers without checking, thinking that it was his phone.

"Minho! Where are you I've been trying for the past half an hour." Felix realises he has the wrong phone and is about to say something but Seungmin mentions a name that makes Felix freeze, "Hyunjin has been sent to the hospital. What were you two talking about earlier? He sent me a sketchy text so I came back to the dorm and found him cutting again in the bathtub."

"S-Seungmin?" Felix's voice shivers as he tries to hold back the tears. He has no idea what going on, Seungmin was talking a bit too fast to fully understand but someone is not telling him things again.

"Felix? Fuck Felix is that you?" Seungmin should've waited before talking as soon as the call was answered.

"What do you mean by Hyunjin cutting... a-again?" Felix covers his mouth so others can't hear him talking let alone crying.

Seungmin lets out a sigh before speaking again, "Felix are you with Minho right now?" Felix hums in reply to say yes. "And Changbin?" Felix hums again. "Then it's best you come to the hospital. I have something here that you will want." Seungmin hangs up before Felix can say anything about not getting a proper answer.

Felix realises Minho lied about having a call with him mum and why his face changed when he looked at his ringing phone. But the thing he can't get out of his head is that Seungmin said "again" this can't be something new.

"Felix, you okay? Foods ready." Minho comes into the tent wondering what was taking Felix so long. To find Felix couched down crying and holding his phone. "Felix?" Minho creeps closer wondering why Felix has his phone and sees Seungmin in the caller's list. "Felix?" Minho starts to worry more about what has happened to change from such a happy cheerful boy, less than five minutes ago.

"YOU LIER!" Felix screams gaining everyone from outside the tents attention. They all come rushing in confused as to what's going on. "You lied about talking to Hyunjin and knows he's in the hospital!"

Everyone goes wide-eyed and silent, as much as they may not like Hyunjin, it doesn't mean they want him to be a hospital.

"What are you on about, Lixie?" Changbin tries to put a hand on Felix's shoulder and comfort him but Felix pushes away.

"H-Hyunjin..." Felix takes a deep breath to get through all the sniffling. "He's in the hospital because Seungmin found him cutting."

"Everyone. Car. Now." Minho's voice drops as he commands them all to leave, he doesn't care about leaving their stuff just to get to Hyunjin.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday

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