Chapter 28

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Felix is on his way to his language class and in a good mood when suddenly someone grabs his shoulder from behind. Felix feels his body be forcefully turned around as he locks eyes with the individual, instant hatred fills his veins.

"What do you want?" Felix asks with a dead expression. He's been trying his best to keep a distance, even running away if he got close but now that plan seems to have failed.

"I-Is it true?" Hyunjin heaves trying to regain his breath from running after Felix. The second Hyunjin saw Felix walk away from the other and finally be alone he knew this was his chance to talk with Felix.

"Is what true?" Felix tries to remain calm and composed after noticing a few passersby staring.

"Minho and Jisung?" Hyunjin needs to know if what Minho told him that lunch was really true. He and Minho aren't exactly on speaking terms right now and he knows that if he did ask Minho it would just lead to another argument. Hyunjin doesn't want to lose Minho but circumstances right now aren't looking good.

Felix scoffs and rolls his eyes at Hyunjin, "Jisung and Minho?!" He repeats unable to believe that's what Hyunjin has to say. After all the pain and suffering not just Felix but also Changbin has been through he asks about Jisung and Minho. "Do you mean are they together?"

"Yes," Hyunjin replies quick and bluntly not paying much attention to the obvious frustration Felix's face is showing.

"Yeah, they're together. Your homophobic ass got a problem with that?" Felix says before turning around and leaving back to his class. His good mood ruined in a matter of seconds.

Hyunjin is left standing alone in the corridor still looking to where Felix stood as the bell rings. He has no class so he's in no need to rush anywhere. However, Hyunjin stays in the same spot until some other people not in class come down the corridor talking, bringing Hyunjins consciousness back to the real world. Sliding his hands into his pockets after a quick wave Hyunjin slowly walks back to his dorm, his head filled with millions of thoughts.

Stepping to his room Hyunjin quickly slams the door and scream. After taking a few deep breaths to calm down he finally leaves from beside the door. First going over to his bed when he takes a sharp turn and collapses onto Seungmins bed. Taking Seungmins puppy plushie Hyunjin curls into a ball.

His head feels like it's about to explode and his heart feels so heavy. The memories of all the mean things he has ever said play on repeat. This whole time he was saying such disrespectful things without thinking about around him. Before Hyunjin knew it he had fallen asleep from crying so much.

Seungmin walks into the dorm room after dropping Jeongin off at his lesson. Seungmin gets a shock from seeing Hyunjin, there have been nights where Hyunjin would crawl into his bed but never has he seen it like this. Hyunjins swollen red eyes, puffy cheeks and dried tears make him look so vulnerable, he is hugging Seungmins plushie. Seungmin has noticed that lately, Hyunjin has been acting differently when he is either alone or when Minho was around. It was obvious the two had a fight but no one has told him and Jeongin what's it about.

Trying not to wake the sleeping beauty Seungmin carefully climbs into the bed, lightly hugging Hyunjin. The older shifts slightly before relaxing once again and continues to sleep. After a while, the warmth from the other and comfort of the bed Seungmin finds himself unable to resist his closing eyes and gives in to falling asleep.

Sometimes has passed when Seungmin eyes flutter, moving his arm around his realises that Hyunjin is no longer there. Finally opening his eyes Seungmin sees Hyunjin sitting on the edge of the bed still clinging onto the plushie but his eye red than before and knew dried tear marks.

Seungmin sits up moving the bed a little which gains Hyunjin attention. "I'm sorry." Hyunjin tries to apologise with a broken voice.

"Why are you sorry?" Seungmin speaks softly not wanting to the hurt anymore.

"For being such a shirty person." Hyunjin sniffles with his head hanging low.

Seungmin moves to join Hyunjin on the side of the bed, "No your not." He reassures realising something is wrong and Hyunjin is in a very fragile state.

"I shouted at M-Minho..." His best friend and someone who has looked after him since he's moved to college but now he feels like he has gone and fucked that all up.

"I know but-" Seungmin goes to put an arm around Hyunjin but Hyunjin quickly stands up dropping the plushie and looks Seungmin with teary eyes.

"No, you don't know. I-I got mad at him for dating Jisung a-and then I said so so so many mean things." Hyunjin voice quivers more with each sentence. "But it's wrong, isn't it? Same-gender relationships?" Hyunjin looks at Seungmin with hopeless eyes.

"Why is it wrong?" Seungmin stays on the bed. He has heard Hyunjin making homophobic comments multiple times but never got a reason as to why.

"That's what my parents always tell me." Hyunjin wipes the tears from his face before continuing, "My dad always tells me that I never want to see you kiss a boy again. It wrong and should never happen, so you better not do it."

Seungmin looks at Hyunjin confused, he said 'again' has Hyunjin kissed a boy before? Maybe this is his chance to find something out. Seungmin stands up not breaking eye contact with Hyunjin and slowly steps over to be standing face to face only centimetres away.

Seungmin reaches up to Hyunjins cheek and cups it, standing on his tiptoes Seungmin leaves a light kiss of Hyunjins lips, tasting the salt from his tears. "Did that feel wrong?"

Hyunjin says nothing in fear of his voice breaking more if he speaks. Instead, he shakes his head from nothing about it feeling wrong. More hot tears start to fall and Hyunjin lets out a silent cry.

"See it's not wrong." Seungmin pulls Hyunjins head to his shoulder and holds the other close in a hug. "Love is love there is nothing wrong about it. Inside we are all skeletons we are all humans, gender doesn't decide whether we can love or not. You parents are the ones who are wrong." Seungmin can feel Hyunjins body tremble. The pain he must have been going through all these years because he was told to never love someone of the same gender.

Eventually, Hyunjin manages to calm down and pull himself away from Seungmin. "Thank you." He sniffles wiping away all his tears.

Hyunjin feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulder. Who knew asking about it would make everything so much clearer and his world feel safer. Seungmin has always had a way with words that are filled with comfort. Hyunjin now knows that it is okay to love someone of the same gender and he might actually be able to love.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday

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