Chapter 10

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Walking out of the cinema Jisung turns to face BamBam "What the fuck BamBam a horror movie?"

BamBam just looks at him and chuckles "I thought it would be something interesting for my last day." He replies shrugging his shoulders.

"L-last day? I thought you had until the end of the week." Chan asks looking up at BamBam still not letting go of his arm in fright. It was not a nice movie at all.

"I got a call this morning saying I should leave tonight," BamBam says looking down at his feet a bit.

"'Should' not that you have too ." Jisung points out in an attempt to lighten the mood but it completely backfires on him.

"This is my family we are talking about." BamBam ends up getting defensive.

"True." Jisung backs down. "But you are buying us all fried chicken for lunch. I think that's a good apology for the movie. Don't you think Felix?" Jisung nudges Felix who seems to be in his world.

Felix looks up confused and says the first thing that comes to "um yeah." Not realising he has just guilt-tripped BamBam into buying them food.

"Okay, but I'm watching you Jisung just because I am the one buying does not give you the right to eat enough for four people like last time." BamBam sighs. "You can have two peoples... and that's IT!"

"Aha, IT." Changbin who had been standing in the background starts laughing to himself because the movie they just watched was IT.

"No, IT was scary, not funny." Jisung punches Changbins shoulder."Now to CHICKEN!" Jisung yells causing the surrounding people to stare.

"Don't run off or he might come for you Jisung," BamBam says to a squirrel boy who was just running off ahead.

Jisung freezes right on the spot and waits for the others to catch up so they can all walk together and be safe.

"Um... Changbin." Felix speaks softly to Changbin who is stood beside him. Changbin looks over nodding to let Felix know he can continue, "I just want to apologise for earlier on."

"It's okay Chan was worried about you and so was I along with Jisung and BamBam." Changbin gives a smile, he seems better then he was this morning.

"No I mean when... I- I grabbed your hand in the movie." Felix says as a light blush appears on his cheeks.

Changbin chuckles at Felix being cute. "It's okay you were scared and we are friends so there's nothing to worry about." What Felix isn't aware of is Changbin got excited when Felix suddenly grabbed his hand.

"I'm still sorry but thanks thou-" As Felix was looking at Changbin he didn't see the door and walked straight into it, causing him to once again today to fall back into Changbin.

"Oh my god, Felix!" Chan shouts. "Are you okay?" Everyone watches carefully as Felix regains his footing and rubs his head.

"I think so just a bit sore." Felix removes his hand and Chans eyes go wide.

"You look like an egg." Jisung laughs at Felix stupidity surprised he wasn't the one that walked into the door.

"Do I?" Felix pulls out his phone and opens the camera app. There he sees it, the swelling on his forehead.

"If you put your fringe back over you can't see it," Changbin says as he reaches over to fix Felix's fringe. Felix freezes and feels his cheeks start to heat while hoping that Changbin can't hear his heart beating loud.

"Um... thanks." Felix nervous says.

"Can we get chicken now the queue is right there." Jisung jumps like a little waiting.

"Yes let's go order I'm getting hungry," BamBam says as he goes to take the lead remembering he is the one who had to pay.

"Felix I think you say by my side so you can stay safe." Changbin takes ahold of the others hand and leads him back to the others.

Felix feels like his heart is about to explode as Changbin still hasn't let go of his hand even though they have now ordered and are waiting to collect.

Today Changbin has been saved Felix not once but three times and it causing Felix to struggle to keep his feelings on control. Changbin being like a strong prince charming.

"Order number 83!" A worker shouts out and BamBam goes over to collect to food.

Sitting down at the table Changbin let's go of Felix's hand. "Here." Changbin passes Felix his food and drink, making Felix even more confused about how he feels towards Changbin.

"Thank you." Felix manages to say without a shaky voice.

"How's your head doing?" Jisung asks but his mouth is full of chicken making his speech all muffled and Felix has no clue what he just said.

"Jisung! Please swallow your food before speaking." Chan says sounding like a parent but that isn't unusual with this friendship group.

"Sorry." Jisung swallows. "How's your head doing?" Jisung asks again with this time Felix able to understand.

"Fine." Felix quickly takes a bite out of his chicken not want to have to say more.

"You sure? Your face has gone red." Jisung shrugs his shoulders.

"Yes," Felix says almost immediately.

"Shit my car is still in the parking lot near the cinema. We are going to have to walk back there." BamBam points out wondering why they didn't drive to get lunch in the first place.

"Blame Jisung he was the one that ran off." Changbin shoves a drumstick in Jisungs face, pulling back just in time as Jisung leans forwards to try and take a bite out of it.

When everyone is done eating Chan cleans up the table and they get ready to leave. Standing up Changbin takes ahold of Felix's hand taking Felix by surprise.

"I need to keep you safe." Changbin gives a smile that makes Felix's heart fo off again.

Changbin and Felix make there way out if the fast food place hand in hand as they walk the others.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday
Something nice and sweet

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