Chapter 18

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The two Australian boys race down the corridors of the hospital in search of room 0325, where Changbin is staying.

"Over here!" Chan yells as they turn the corner.

Before entering Felix takes a deep breath preparing himself for what he might see. He went to the beach to try and get Hyunjin to tell him what going on but to his luck that never happened, he didn't even get the chance to bring it up. Now it's midnight and the previous day ended up being a waste of time.

Inside Changbin is laying on a bed fast asleep, a tube going down his throat forcing air to be pumped in and out of his lungs. Changbin had fallen over disturbing his broken ribs and his left lung collapsed. Luckily the doctors say it's not too serious as the lung has not been punctuated by the ribs but he should stay for the night and see how he is in the morning.

While and impatient squirrel sits on a couch tapping his leg away and staring down at his phone. His head shoots up when he hears the door rolling open and is relieved to Chan enter with Felix.

Felix paying not attention to Jisung goes to stand beside Changbins bed. Watching over him as his body rests peacefully. As calm as Felix may look a wave of anger is growing inside of him, anger born from desire. All he wants now is someone to tell him what the fuck is going on.

"You should sleep." Jisung comes to stand beside Felix, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But first... WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!" Jisung shout whispers while shaking Felix.

"Hey calm down, he is here now." Chan pulls Jisung off of Felix.

"Yeah so? Where was he when we were calling him none stop? Where was he when Changbin kept asking to see him?" Jisung points at Felix as he glares at Chan. "A-and why did you go out without telling us, let alone Chan. Do you know how scared we were? You better have a good argument." Jisungs huffs finishing what he has to say.

Felix looks away from Jisung, he has never seen Jisung like this before and it's scaring him. He knows that is he says he was with Hyunjin, Jisung will just get angrier and it's not what he wants. Felix can already feel his palms sweating and the tightening of his chest with every breath. It had been going so well but now with Jisung screaming at him and Chan trying to get him to calm down, it brings back bad memories.

"C-c-can you... stop shou-shouting please." Felix struggles to speak with a stable voice.

Feeling trapped in a corner Felix makes a run for it and races out ii the hospital room. Having no specific place in mind he keeps going to get away, to get somewhere safe. Finding a bathroom and barges in, luckily it's empty and he can be alone. Felix falls to the fall and curls up into a ball, having his head in between his knees, trying to calm himself.

"Fuck! Jisung you stay here I'm going to try and find him." Chan leaves to follow after Felix but is pulled back by Jisung grabbing his arm.

"Let me go... I was the one who shouted at him so I should apologise." Jisung walks out of the room leaving Chan to watch 9ver Changbin.

Looking through the corridors it takes a while but Jisung finally finds Felix hidden in a bathroom stall. He can tell by the sniffling and quiet cries. Not wanting to make his presence obvious Jisung tiptoes over to be standing in front on the stall Felix is in.

"Felix?" Jisung keeps his voice soft. He gets no reply but the sniffling stops and the bathroom becomes silent. "Felix I'm sorry."

Felix tries to say something but his throat is tight shut and can't make a single sound.

Jisung decides that he'll just do the talking to try and help Felix. "I know you think I'm angry at you but in reality, it's not anger." Wanting Felix to understand the best and feel more at ease Jisung continues in English. "Anger is a secondhand emotion meaning that it was formed because of another emotion, that emotion was fear. I was so so so scared about where you were because we couldn't get a hold of you. When Chan called me and said you weren't at the dorm you have no idea how scared I was. Changbin was already laying in a hospital bed I didn't want to find you in one either... I'm sorry for scaring you." Jisung sighs with finished talking and now waits patiently for Felix to hopes reply.

Felix feels like crying again but this time because Jisung means a lot to him and is a really great a friend. Gaining the courage Felix stands up from the toilet seats and unlocks the door. Being face to face Jisung is in shock at seeing Felix's red eyes. Both putting their arms our for one another they embrace in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry for running away." Felix wipes away the tears from under his eyes.

"You have nothing to apologise for your here now and that's all that matters." Jisung brings Felix back on for another hug. "Just lets one of us know before you go anywhere alone again please." Jisung tries to lighten the mood.

"Will do." Felix laughs feeling a lot better.

"Good. Now let's get back to the others, okay?" Jisung walks side by side with Felix, his mood looking a lot cheerier than when he first arrived here.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday

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