Chapter 25

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Having no classes after lunch Felix decides to go see the headteacher, Mr Kim. Walking to the office Felix passes by some teachers and politely greats them, trying to ignore the whispering that begins when he's gone.
Reaching the door Felix knocks and waits patiently for a reply.

"Come in!" Mr Kim says in a slightly raised tone.

Felix cautiously opens the door, first poking he head through until his eyes with those of Mr Kim before quickly closing the door and scurrying over to sit down at the chair Mr Kim has gestured to while continuing to read over documents.

"I'm surprised to see you here. Do you not have a class?" Mr Kim gives Felix a glance before going back to the papers in his hand.

"Oh um no. I-It's just that you if I have anything I need to talk about I could talk to you since you're a family friend." Felix looks around the room not wanting to make eye contact and feels more anxious then he already is.

"Very well then," Mr Kim puts the papers away into a draw and rest his arms on his desks to be able to talk directly to Felix. "What is it you want to talk about?"

Felix lets out a nervous laugh as he tries the think of how he wants to explain the thoughts stuck in his mind. "I have this... friend... who some in the past hurt him and it makes him cautions with getting into... relationship but-"

"You like him." Mr Kim interrupts knowing exactly what Felix was thinking.

"Yes." Felix bluntly answers with a feeling of relief being to get it off his shoulder.

"So you have this friend that you like and want to ask them out but you're not sure if they would say yes?" Felix nods in reply to Mr Kim understand what he is trying to say. "Then tell me a little about this friend." Mr Kim leans forward on his desk wanting to help Felix as much as he can.

Felix's eyes go wide as he is suddenly caught off guard with Mr Kim wanting to know more about Changbin. Mr Kim knows Felix's sexuality but wasn't expecting this.

"Well, they are smaller than me. I met them through a friend. We get along well. We text quite a bit, even at night. They are caring towards me but that's kinda the problem." Felix's voice starts to drown out when he gets to the end and a frown become apparent on his freckled face.

"What do you mean by that's the problem?" Mr Kim sits back in his chair confused to what Felix means.

"Well-" Felix twiddles with the arrangement of rings on his fingers. "I'm not sure if he is just being nice becomes he met me through a friend or if he is genuinely nice."

"Bullshit!" Felix's head shoots up to look once again at Mr Kim. "From what you are telling me I think these friends also likes you but he is just cautious to tell you."

"You sure? Then what do I need to do." Felix grows a blushing smile to the thought the Changbin likes him and there could be potential for more.

"Simple just ask him out." Mr Kim speaks in such a calm manner that it reminds Felix of his mother a bit.

"But how? I can't just go up to him and say 'Hey, well you go out with me.' I want to do something more romantic because I want to show him a truly like him and I can protect him as much as he protects me. " Mr Kim lets out a chuckle to Felix's cute rant.

"All I said was you should ask him out, I never said how you should do it. If you want to do something romantic then do it. Whatever way makes you feel the most confidence you should do it." Felix smiles at Mr Kim's words. "You know you are actually a lot like your mum at this age."

"Huh?" Felix tilts his head not sure by what Mr Kim means.

"She would panic when it came to talking about her crush but once I asked her out she became a lot calmer as if all the worries of how it will go disappeared. I think that's what you need to do. By making it official you feel a lot better."

"You and my mum dated?" Felix's wasn't expecting to hear that. He thought that Mr Kim and his mum have always been only friends not in a relationship.

"Yeah, we dated for a while but felt more comfortable as friends and we had been for so long beforehand that it seemed like the right thing. Look at us now we talk still now and then and have a healthy friendship." Mr Kim talks calmly trying to hold in a laugh from the shocked look on Felix's face who has his mouth hanging wide open.

"I have no words." Felix stays silent trying to process it. His mum and Mr Kim? Mr Kim is good looking but nothing like Felix's father. Mr Kim has soft features whereas his dad had sharp ones before all the drinking started, and Mr Kim is so nice whereas his dad that's a completely different story. If only Mr Kim could have been his dad.

"I should get going then." Felix stands up and heads towards the door.

"Hope your date goes well." Mr Kim waves goodbye.

"Me too, bye." Felix closes the door behind him and skips away down the corridor but suddenly stops when he notices the nearby teachers staring.

Do you have any plans for tonight?

Felix takes a deep breath before pressing send and watching as the messages go from 'sending' to 'delivered'. Changbin is still in class for a while so Felix knows not to expect a reply but he can at least be ready to plan something. Hopefully, everything will go well.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday

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