Chapter 20

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Felix wakes up Monday morning feeling ready for the day ahead. If no one is willing to tell him what's going on then he will just have to find someone who will.

"I'm finished in the bathroom." Chan comes walking out with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Felix rolls his eyes while crawls out of bed, making his way to the bathroom "Thanks."

Felix will admit that Chan has a good body and he works out a lot with Changbin so, what must Changbins body look like? Seeing the wide shoulder and strong arms come out of the bathroom with only a towel. It's funny though how Chan and Changbin are like these beefy bulls then there's Jisung who's a fragile squirrel. Hyunjin though, as much of a prick he is, he's tall so all clothes look good on him so how about those clothes off.

"Urghh!" Felix groans at himself for having such stupid thoughts, he needs to prepare himself for his plan later.

First step: skip dance class and wait in a bathroom. Step two: when class finishes find Hyunjin and confront him, do not take no as an answer. Step three... well that's uncertain for now, it depends how well step two goes.

Dripping with sweat from today's hard-core routine Hyunjin goes to the back and grabs his water bottle. Taemin giving them a five-minute break before they continue.

"Felix's not here today..." Hyunjin mumbles to himself but Minho hears.

Minho remembers what he said to Felix at the beach and is wondering if Felix will stay away from Hyunjin completely. "Well, I'm off to the toilet before we start again." Minho goes to walk away.

"I'll come with you." Hyunjin follows after Minho as they ask Taemin for permission to leave.

Minho prefers to go alone but if Hyunjin needs to go he can't deny.

Felix is sat on the countertops by the sinks playing games on his phone as he waits for the time to pass by. The lesson should already be over halfway through so it's not going to be much longer but Felix has been disturbed a few times by other students coming in. He knows they have full right to go to the toilet it's just that Felix would prefer to be alone while he prepares to confront Hyunjin or things may go wrong.

"Where do you think he is anyw-" Hyunjin stops in his tracks as he spots Felix sitting by the sinks. "Felix?" He calls out surprised.

Felix looks up from his phone not expecting to hear someone say his name, let alone Hyunjin to see standing a few meters away. "A-Aren't you meant to be in class?" Felix manages to say something realising how hypocritical it is after it's left his mouth.

"Funny you say that, but nature called." Hyunjin chuckles as he goes over to urinal, Minho staying silent follows behind.

Felix goes back to his phone thinking about what to do now and whether or not he should still approach Hyunjin when the bell rings. He was fully prepared to do it before but he can't stop panicking.

"Hey," Hyunjin shouts out to Felix as he washes his hands. Gaining the other attention Hyunjin continues to talk. "So why are you skipping class? Not like you'll regret it, today is pretty tiring but still why?"

Hyunjin stares as Felix's confused face, who's trying to find the words to say something. Then the only option possible comes- ask him now.

"C-can ask you something?" Felix gains the courage to speak.

"Yeah, sure." Hyunjin rests next to Felix against the countertop. Minho watching from the sidelines curious of what Felix has to say. "So..." Hyunjin raises an eyebrow waiting for Felix to say what he needs to.

"Um... can you tell me about-" Felix takes a deep breath to calm down. "What's happened between you and Changbin in the past?" Felix goes silent feeling relieved to have said it but the atmosphere inside the bathroom has become cold.

Hyunjin stares at Felix with dead eyes not believing he was seriously just asked that. He thought that Felix knew nothing but apparently not. And now that he is asking about it Hyunjins plan may go terribly wrong.

Felix and Minho both start to feel and uncomfortable aura coming from Hyunjin, sending shivers down their spins. Waiting in anticipation Minhi gulps as he steps back afraid Hyunjin is about to explode in anger.

"Shut up!" Hyunjim yells making Felix jump back scared.

"W-what?" Felix asks quietly, slightly regretting ever letting a sound out.

Hyunjins breaths begin to become heavy as his chest rises with each breath. He can feel himself getting angry and doesn't want to lash out on Felix who is innocent to everything that's going on. Wanting to protect Felix, Hyunjin storms out leaving Felix alone with Minho.

Felix watches as Hyunjin leaves, afraid to relax out of his curled up body.

"I'll tell you." Felix's head shoots over to the voice forgetting that Minho was also in the room. "But first I need to confess something." Minho goes to take the place in which Hyunjin had been standing. With his back to the counter and staring straight ahead so he isn't having to look at Felix.

The atmosphere in the room becomes relaxed and calmer and Felix lets himself to sit back normally next to Minho.

"You know your friend, the squirrel looking one." Minho lets out a little chuckle thinking about him. "Well as much of a pain and an idiot he seems to be... I like him."

Felix looks wide-eyed at Minho. He used to think Minho was some scary cold-hearted guy but it turns out his is completing like that all the time. He can be a softy and kinda a therapy friend.

"Y-you like Jisung?" Felix pops his head down beside Minho's shoulder.

Minho looks at Felix with his slightly flushed cheeks. "Yeah, I like that dorky Jisung." Minho smiles to himself now saying it loud. "But now I should tell you about what you want to know."

Felix is running through the halls trying to find Changbins classroom. He nows where Changbin is because he is in the same class as Chan right now. Finding the lecture room he bursts open the double doors gaining the attention on all the students and a pissed off teacher.

"Can I help you?" The teacher raises an eyebrow and waves his chalk at Felix not know who he is.

"Ah, I'm sorry sir." Felix bows embarrassed at what he has just done. "Um, I require to talking to Seo Changbin and it is very urgent."

Changbin stands up surprised and confused as well as Chan for Felix has just interrupted their business class when he is meant to be in his class. The teacher continuing to stare at Felix, being unimpressed.

"Very well." The teacher rolls his eyes and looks for Changbin in the class, not hard since he was standing up. "You may leave since it's only 10 minutes left."

"Thank you." Changbin bows and collects his stuff before rushing out with Felix.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday

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