Chapter 11

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Returning safely back from lunch Felix says 'goodbye' and 'thank you' to Changbin before heading up to his dorm to get ready for his dance class. Felix showers and changes into some more comfortable clothes than before. Looking through the wardrobe he goes with a black hoodie and joggers with a pair of black trainers that have orange and white soles for a little bit of colour. Felix also leaves his hair down and fluffy.

Heading down the hall with a drawstring bag slung over his shoulder Felix opens the door to his class. Walking in he finds not many students have yet arrived, those who are there watch Felix as he hands to the back of the class and places his bag down. Feeling uncomfortable as some have started to whisper Felix decides to go on his phone instead of stretching.

Soon enough they stop talking as the door opens again. This time Hyunjin is walking in while laughing about something with Minho. As Felix looks up from his phone his eyes lock with those of Hyunjins. Hyunjin gives Felix a big smile as he walks closer, Minho following behind. Felix feels the urge to stand up and brush off the imaginary dust from his legs.

"Hey." Hyunjin gives a simple greeting as he places his bag down near Felix.

"H-hi," Felix replies stuttering a little as he remembers what Chan had said to him earlier.

"It's not that I don't want you making friends it's just that not everyone being nice is nice. Some people you need to be careful around and Hyunjin... is one of those people. So please, please be careful!" From what Chan said it seems like there is some history between them and Hyunjin.

"Helloooo." Hyunjin waves his hand in front of Felix's face bringing him back to reality.

"Oh sorry." Felix passes it by likes it's nothing and is careful like Chan asked.

"Let's start warming up Mr Lee will be here in a bit." Minho finally speaks up as takes position into a lunge.

"Mr Lee? You know he prefers it when we just call him Taemin." Hyunjun teases Minho while joining in, in warming up. Felix follows along not wanting to be just standing there.

It didn't take long before Taemin walked in asked the class to line up so he can take the register and get the class started quickly. Even though they were doing some basic warm-ups Felix could still feel the stares of other students from around the room but, why were they staring was whats making Felix anxious.

After warming up Taemin announces they will learning choreography to Wish you were gay by Billie Eilish. Felix's face lights up as he hears this as Billie Eilish is one of his favourite artists, Hyunjin notices the change in Felix's attitude and gives a little smirk while giving Minho a kinda look like he is up to something. Taemin thinks that for the first few lessons they will just dance to help ease into the class before they start studying styles and the history of dance which is more because he finds that stuff boring to have to mark reports on and just wants to see what his students are capable of doing.

Halfway through the lesson, everyone is getting on well and Felix is loving getting to listen to the song again and again. The only problem is people are still staring with the slight whispers here and there. Felix isn't sure if it is real or he is just being paranoid so he is trying to shrug it off and not let it get to him.

"You okay?" but Felix must be failing as Hyunjin has learned over to whisper to him.

"Huh? What yeah." Felix plays it cool but his voice is a little higher pitched than the usual deep tone.

"You sure?" Hyunjin raises an eyebrow. Not believing that Felix is in fact okay.

"Yep just trying to dance thank you," Felix speaks quickly just wanting the conversation to be over.

"Looks like you, two seem to already know the choreography off the top of your head as you are talking, would you like to come up to the front and perform it for the rest of the class." It seems that Taemin had noticed them talking and he isn't in the mood to let it slide today.

Hyunjin and Felix stand there silent in fear of even breathing. "That wasn't a question is was an order. The front now!" Panicked Hyunjin steps forward but Felix stays frozen and his breathing slowly picks up the pace. "Lee Felix, can you hear me or not?" Taemin starts to become inpatient and everyone now was whispering, the thing was that Felix didn't understand everything he said. When they were dancing he doesn't have to worry about understanding as he can visualise copying but there are no subtitles for things in real life.

"LEE FELIX!" Taemin yells causing Felix to start shaking at his name being called so aggressively.

Hyunjin can tell that something is off about Felix so he walks closer to him. When Hyunjin reaches Felix he lifts an arm and places it down gently of the shaking Felix's shoulder, sweat visible of his forehead however it could be from dancing.

Feeling a weight on his shoulder Felix switches from inside his head to the outside world. He knows straight away what is coming and it is a panic attack. He has too many eyes on him and he can't take it much longer before he collapses into a total mess. Not wanting anyone to see Felix runs towards the door pushing pass anyone who gets in his way. The only thing on his mind is getting away from all the eyes.

Hyunjins arm falls to his side as he watches the boy disappear out of the door. Turning to the teacher Hyunjin speaks up "Sir, I think I should go check upon him. I think he might have been having a panic attack." Hyunjin only recognising it as in the past he was also someone prone to getting them.

Taemin nods and lets Hyunjin leave feeling a bit of guilt for making a student feel uncomfortable. Hyunjin goes to the back of the class to pick up his and Felix's bags as he leaves the classroom. Giving Minho a wink on his way out. Minho rolls his eyes and gets back to the class.

Rushing down the corridors it didn't take Hyunjin long to make it to the closest bathroom. He carefully opens the door to be sure that he doesn't scare Felix any more. Popping his head through first Hyunjin sees straight away a boy curled up against the far wall with his head in his knees. Hyunjin doesn't need to see more to already know that it is Felix. The outgrown blonde hair is a big give away.

Taking gently steps Hyunjin goes to sit beside him being as quiet as possible to not give away that he was there. Eventually, Hyunjin hears Felix's breathing start to steady a little and he takes this opportunity to place a hand on the top of Felix's back.

Felix's body jerks and he looks up to Hyunjin giving a soft smile. "Don't worry you are safe." Hyunjin even speaks softly keeping Felix in a state of safety. Hyunjun remembers back from his days of panic attacks that being told he is safe or even saying it aloud to himself was enough to make his feel safe and calm him down. It was like playing a trick on your brain.

Hyunjin was right as he keeps repeating those words and rubbing Felix's back Felix calms down and his breathing becomes normal. "Thank you," Felix says weekly.

"Here." Hyunjin digs through his bag and pulls out a bottle of water for Felix. Felix takes it cautiously and drinks.

Feeling a lot better Felix looks off ahead and lets his head relax to the side landing on Hyunjin shoulders.

Hyunjin lets Felix rest there even placing his head on top and his arms wrap around Felix. "Your safe now," Hyunjin whispers one last time before letting the room fall into silence.

Thanks you for reading
This will be updated every Tuesday

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