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"I want to come with you." he whines like a baby.

   I look at him frowning and he smiles like he's innocent.

   "I can go to the grocery store by myself." I say then I kiss him. "I'll be right back. You won't even notice I'm gone."

   "Nicole..." he looks at me serious. "We've been through a lot recently... If you think I'm going to leave you alone for a second, you're crazy."

   I roll my eyes and I sigh. I give up. We can go on like this for hours.

   "Fine. But you'll stay quiet." I condition him.

   He gets up the couch and grabs his phone and keys, then we leave the house and get in his car before he starts it. So far so good... the entire ride to the grocery store he stood quiet. If only he'd go on like this.


   Jake sighs exasperated and I laugh at him. I've been looking at some jars with tomatoe sauce for more than five minutes. I know exactly what I want but I want to torment him a little bit more.

   "Nicole..." he growls between his teeth.

   I get the jar and I put it in the cart and we finally move on.

   "Finally." he sighs and I roll my eyes.

"Have you got everything you need?"

   "Almost. I need one more thing." I say without looking at him. "Stay here."

   I leave him behind and I go back a few aisles. I don't want Jake to see me picking my pads. I look on the shelves and I pick a box so I can go back to my guy before he does something we both might regret. I turn around and I almost scream when I see Jake a few steps away from me.

   "You ran from me to get tampons?" he laughs raising an eyebrow.

   "No." I say hiding the box behind my back, making him laugh harder.

   "You do realize we're surrounded by tampons, right?"

   "Fine." I give up throwing the box in the cart. "And just so you'd know, those are pads." I mumble passing by him, going towards the cash register.

   "Like there's any difference." he mumbles rolling his eyes.

   I stop putting the groceries on the lane and I look at him pissed. He didn't say that.

   "Yeah. There's a huge difference."

   I know I shouldn't get pissed. It's sort of normal for a guy to not know these stuff. I would be surprised if he'd know.

   "Explain..." he looks at me mocking me a little.

   "I think I'll buy you a book." I say making him roll his eyes.

   The casher is done scanning all of our stuff and I get my wallet out of my backpack so I can pay but Jake lands the casher his credit card.

   "What are you doing?" I frown.

   "Shopping." he smiles innocent. "You?"

   He gets the bags and leave the store, leaving me behind shocked.

   "Hold on." I shout behind him. "You can't do that." I catch up with him while he's putting the bags in the trunk.

   "Do what?" he pretends he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

   "Pay for stuff. I wanted to do some shopping, most of the stuff there are for me, so I'm supposed to pay."

   "Nicole..." he grabs my shoulders and looks at me amused. "It's not a big deal. They're some groceries. You also bought stuff for the house, you shouldn't pay for that."

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