Fifty three.

37 11 0

Songs for this chapter: - Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer
- Fetish - Selena Gomez

   It has been three weeks since Eric died. I spent most of my time with Jake and my friends, being grateful for having them. I went to Eric's funeral where I had to hold an eulogy. His mother was heartbroken and his dad had to be strong just for her too, but he couldn't keep it together for too long. After the funeral, I came back home and I stood in Jake's bed crying the entire night. It took me days to get out of there, but he didn't mind.

   A few days ago he found out about my birthday and so he started making plans. At some certain moment he even wanted to throw a party. I had to beg him not to do that. I don't want it to be a big deal. Plus, I'm sick of parties. I have too many bad memories.

   "Good morning." Liz says when she walks into the kitchen.

   "Good morning." I answer her smiling.

   "Happy birthday." she says giving me a little box wrapped in paper.

   "No..." I say trying not to smile. "You didn't have to."

   "Shut the hell up. Of course I had to. You're turning 18. It's a big day."

   "Thank you." I hug her.

   "My pleasure. Now, open it." she says excited.

   I rip the paper trying not to ruin it completely and I open the box.

   "Oh, my god!" I take the bracelet out of the box so I can look at it. There are little hearts crossed together. "I love it. It must have cost a fortune." I say feeling bad.

   "Don't you worry about it." she hugs me. "I love you."

   "I love you too. Thank you, so, so much."

   We break te hug and we look at each other and we start laughing when we notice we're both crying.

   "Is everything ok?" Jake asks when he walks into the kitchen.

   "Everything is great." I smile.


   "What do you mean you don't want a party?" Nate asks shocked.

   "I just don't want to be a burden just because it's my birthday." I mumble raising my shoulders.

   "Isn't it right that you'll make her change her mind?" Jake says showing up out of nowhere.

   "I already told you, I won't change my mind. And please don't insist."

   "Are you sure you don't want anything?" Kelly asks looking at me all skeptical.

   "Very." I smile.

   "But you turn 18..." Nate continues disgruntled.

   "Really? I didn't know." I say mocking him. "I know it's weird. Even I was surprised when I realized I didn't want anything special. But I don't. All I want is a normal day with my friends." I jump my shoulders.

   "Fine." Kelly says disgruntled. "If that's what the birthday girl wants, that's what she'll get." she continues smiling.

   "Don't regret it." Jake mumbles before he kisses my forehead and walks into the school.

   "Birthday girl..." Alex says catching my attention. "Let's go to math."

   "Actually, I think I just changed my mind." I mumble while he's dragging me to the school entrance.

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