Fifty five.

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"How the hell did you not look yet?" he laughs taking the paper from my hands.

"I was scared." I raise my voice pissed. "God... What if I failed?" I ask nervous.

"Can I look now?" he laughs and takes the paper from my hands again.

"Yes... No." I change my mind. "Yes. Look."

Laughing he unwraps the paper then looks at me with a big smile.

"B minus."

I jump over the couch and I hug him thanking him all over again.

"You're a savior." I grab his face in my hands and I look him in the eyes. "I love you with every shred of my soul." I kiss him.

"We have to celebrate." he gets up the couch, and picks me up and I cross my legs around his body.

"How?" I smile while looking at his lips.

"Food." he laughs at me making me roll my eyes. "You don't want food?" he laughs again.

"Fine... I'll take the food."


"I didn't know you can cook." I say and he frowns. "You disappointed me the last time we tried to cook, remember?" I say and he laughs.

"Be careful what you say Miss Danieli, I have flour now too." he looks at me threatening.

"So how did you learn how to cook?" I ask while tasting the pancakes mix.

"Stop doing that." he scolds me. "Sometimes mom wasn't home when I was hungry... I had to get creative." he jumps his shoulders.

"And you didn't burn down the house! Good for you." I mock him, making him roll his eyes. "I'm sorry... about... that."

"It's fine. I had to learn at some point."

I get up from the chair and I get close to him. I kiss him and I tell him our special I love you again.

"I want to help." I say and he laughs.

"Not a chance." he pushes me towards my chair.

"But..." I try to protest.

"You stay out of my kitchen, woman!" he threatens me with a spatula and I pretend to be scared.

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