Fifty four.

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"Is it too late to back off?" I ask when he stops the car in front of the cinema.

"You promised Kelly you'll do it. Plus, I have to suffer as well. I really think that girl's going to end up killing me if I say one wrong thing." he looks at me a little worried.

"Don't worry." I grab his face in my hands. "I will protect you." I kiss him.

"Great." he sighs as he gets out of the car.

I get out of the car laughing and I look at the cinema's entrance where Kelly and Matthew are already waiting for us.

"Behave." he warns me while walking towards our friends.

"It's funny, usually I have to say that." I laugh making him roll his eyes.

"Hi." Kelly says with a smile when we stop in front of them.

"Hi." I say when I look at Matthew.

"Hi." he answers.

I squeaze Jake's hand letting him know I need him and he smiles and greets our friends as well, then suggests we go inside.

"Horror?" Matthew asks looking at the board with the list of films.

"No." Kelly and I say simultaneously.

"Comedy?" Kelly asks.

"Too cliché." I mumble.

"Avengers?" Jake mumbles pointing at a movie title on the board.

"Yes!" I say at the same time with Matthew. I turn my head around and I look at him frowning.

"I didn't know you like Marvel." I say.

"Who doesn't?" he puffs.

"I don't really like..." Kelly starts talking but stops when he notices we're both looking at her, judging her. "Nevermind." she mumbles.

"Which one it is?" Matthew asks while looking at Jake.

"Civil War." he sighs.

"Great. I love it. Let's go." I say excited dragging him to the cashier.


"The usual?" Jake asks me when we take a seat at the table and I nod, answering him.

After the movie ended, Kelly and I were hungry so the boys decided to take us to McDonald's. Well, it was Jake's idea but Matthew agreed.

"So?" she whispers to me after the boys are gone. "What do you think of Matthew now?"

"What do I think?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Kelly we watched a movie. We didn't talk. What possible opinion I could possibly have? About the way he sits in a chair?" I laugh.

"You both like Marvel. You have something in common. That's great." she says excited.

"Sort of..." I mumble. "Ok... What about Jake?" I ask her.

"I don't have an opinion yet. Too soon." she jumps her shoulders.

"So it's too soon for you to have an opinion on my boyfriend but it's not too soon for me to have an opinion on yours?" I say and she nods nonchalant and so I kick her arm.

"We're here to make your day better." Jake says when they come back with the food.

"Our heroes." Kelly rolls her eyes and laughs. "Speaking of... What did you guys think of the movie?" she asks and looks at me.

"Oh, I've already seen it like 6 times." I laugh and take some French fries.

"So did I." Matthew says with his mouth full of food. "It's one of the best. Except Endgame." he nods.

"Of course... Except the part Tony dies." I nod.

"Eh..." he raises his shoulders. "I was thinking more about how Steve got screwed with that ending..." he says and I stop eating.

"Wait... You're not a Capitan America fan, are you?" I look at him serious.

"Of course I am, he's the best Avenger." he rolls his eyes.

I start laughing almost chocking while drinking, but I stop when I notice he's not joking.

"You're serious?" I raise my voice as he nods. "Seriously? From all the guys in the world you picked one who roots for Steve fucking Rogers? I thought you can do better." I say to Kelly.

"You're on Iron Man's team? Gross." he makes a disgusted face. "She's not the one. Leave. Now!" he mouths to Jake and I kick him with my foot, under the table.

"At least I have taste coparing to you. You chose the simpliest Avenger and you called him the best? Please..." I puff.

"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?" Kelly asks Jake.

"None." he takes a sip from his drink.

"Simpliest? The guys is like the Earth version of Thor." Matthew frowns.

"So you picked the weaker version of another hero to be your favorite? Wow." I say trying not to laugh.

"And you picked a spoiled, immature and arrogant guy to root for. Yeah, great taste indeed." he puffs.

"Is he talking about me?" Jake mumbles to Kelly and she jumps her shoulders confused.

"Seriously? Tony worked his ass off to get where he did only so he would end up being killed. What did Rogers do? Oh, that's right... Nothing!"

"Nothing? Nothing?" he says offended. "He saved dozens of people."

"So did Tony." I say.

"He's strong."

"Tony built an entire suit while he was kidnapped... Oh, and he sacrificed himself to save the entire Universe." I say making him swallow his words.

"He built a suit. Big deal. Steve fought in a freaking World War." he smiles arrogantly.

"Only because he build up the courage to pick up a pen and sign his name on a piece of paper. He got everything he did just because of Tony's dad." I say and he sighs shocked.

"Ok. I think you guys should calm down." Kelly says trying no to laugh.

"It's just a movie." Jake tries to help her.

"I'll stop he admits Tony is better than Steve." I say arrogantly.

"Never. I don't lie." he smiles arrogantly.

"Well you're also a Capitan America fan so i understand why some wheals in your head aren't spinning the way they're supposed to." I mock him.

"Ok!" Kelly shouts interrupting us. "So... There's a party next Friday. Are you guys going?" she tries to change the subject.

"I don't know." Jake mumbles.

"What? Why not? It could be the last party before I leave." I say and I instantly regret it. We didn't talk about that.

"I can't say a damn thing around you guys." Kelly takes a sip from her drink when she notices we got tense.

"It's fine. We're going." Jake smiles and grabs my hand under the table.

Viciously in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora