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I've always imagined my life filled with opportunities. That I'll always have a chance at happiness, at love. No matter what. But to imagine, to hope... It's completely different to actually live it.

I've made hundreds, maybe even thousands of scenarios about how my first relationship would be. My first love. About the first kiss, first date, even about the fights. At a certain point I felt like I had the entire relationship planed. But considering what happened lately in my life, I had no idea what was coming.

Every scenario, plan, fantasies, dream...Everything was different from what I thought it would be like. A loving boyfriend, happy, big family, loyal, carrying friends, small-town life. A simple, happy life.

Because of him, my life is not simple anymore. But I can't complain about the happy moments. I've lived dreams I didn't even know I had. I've been places I didn't even thought about before. I've done things I never thought I would, because it wasn't me.

He changed my life. Good and bad. He was there. I suffered. I cried. I loved. I dreamed. I fought. I made it.

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