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I've always imagined my first love to be something magical. Kiss in the rain, Valentine's Day dates, anniversaires, love notes... But it was nothing like that. It was pretty much the opposite: fight in the rain, fighting on Valentine's Day, fighting and hurting and breaking. And yet I don't regret it. I'm actually grateful. I got to meet this amazing broken guy and fall in love with him. I even like to believe that I changed him, that he's healed now. I want to believe that because that's what I tried to do. As broken as I was getting, I focused on him only. And I don't regret it.

My first magical relationship turned out to be toxic. I was more hurt than happy. I cried so much. And I even got to hate him a couple of times. But I was also happy. There were these moments he made me feel like the only girl in the world just by looking at me. He could make me feel like I'm floating everytime he told me he loved me. He knew me better than I knew myself. He loved me more than I loved myself.

In a few months I got to experience a lot of emotions: love, heartbreak, abandonment, gratefulness, fear, pain and so many more. And in a weird way I'm thankful for every single one. Because each one made me the person I am today. Every moment, good or bad, changed me. I'm different now. And I like that about me. I grew up on my own, but because of the people and the moments I had to deal with in the last year. I fell in love, I found out I'm sick, I got heartbroken, I was away from my family, I was losing myself at some point. But now... Now I'm here. I survived the best year of my life. And that's the best part... It's just the beginning.

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