Chapter 29

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--- Fox's POV ---

Opening the gifts was boring as hell. I had to dig through the large pile of presents, act excited, and thank every person who gave me something. There was a gift in every size, and wrapping paper so bright I kept seeing polka dots when I went to bed that night.

Usually it was some shit like clothes or jewelry. Stuff to kiss up to me. Someone even tried to hide a coupon to their restaurant in a sweater.

Actually, the sweater was really cute.

That's not the point, the point is that I ended up giving most of my presents to Aither.

Don't tell him, but I kept a couple clothes and jewelry I thought were nice.

Okay, most of them. Let's just say my closet is poppin' now!

Yeah, I don't know much the lingo this generation of kids use.

Oh well, I tried.

Anyway, I ended up hanging with my brother after the party. Raiden and Aither were probably off doing whatever the underworld's version of Netflix and chill is.

Xander had gotten dragged off by a group of my brother's friends who had recognized him from Elliot's birthday party.

I just waved happily while he got dragged off by kids who were about half his size.

And he didn't go easy, let me tell you that. It was sad to see him struggle so hard against a group of kids. Then again, they had magic. He didn't.

"Do you think they have any more cake?" Elliot asked, sitting in dad's office chair.

"No, I saw a rat running off with the last piece." I said dismissively, busy filing my nails.

When there was no response, I looked up to see Elliot staring at me, horrified.

"I was just joking." I patted his head comfortingly.

He scowled at me, "That's mean."

"Sorry, bro."

I wasn't that sorry.

"Does that mean there's still cake left?"

"No, I saw a man who looked like a rat take the last piece."

"Stop joking!" He said, frustrated.

"This time I'm not joking though..."

"Thank you, Fox. I just had to take care of something quick." My father entered the room, crown gleaming impressively on top of his head.

"No problem. Least I could do for the party."

"Are you sure you don't to come with us?" My dad asked.

"I'm sure. Thanks, though."

My father and brother were going in a hunting trip, now that my brother was apparently a man now.

He still can't tie his shoes.

But they'll be gone for about a week and a half, which means they wouldn't be here when I left.

My dad tried to reschedule the trip, but the nobles going with them said this was the best time to go hunting.

"I'm sorry, but you'll still be able to visit." He hugged me.

"Of course."

"Is this really what you want? To go back to the human world?"

"Yes, very much."

It's home now. I'll always be able to come back here, but once I take over the kingdom, I won't have time to see Aither, Raiden, or Xander.

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