Chapter 12

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--- Fox's POV ---

"What kind of deal?" The woman asked. She was terrifird of me. Her eyes kept darting around, never looking at me for too long.

"Let's say... Hypothetically... If I could bring your pack members back to life, what would you give me?"

The woman's eyes widened. "If you could... I'd give you anything you wanted." She wet her lips. "Within reason."

"Of course. Although, reasoning and logic do not apply to me." My friends looked at me strangely, but I ignored them. They'll be giving me weird looks for the rest of my life anyway.

"We will meet whatever demands you have." The pack murmured but didn't disagree.

"Okay then. Please, step back." The woman placed a kiss on the alpha's forehead, then moved back until she was with her pack again.

I lifted my hands, closing my eyes. Holding my hands out in front of me, I took a deep breath. And left my body. A great amount of pain stabbed through me, the small sacrifice required to do this. Painful, yet it only lasted a couple seconds.

In everyone else's eyes, it looked as though I had just fainted.

But in actuality, I had transferred my soul out of my body. I had gone to the astral dimension.

My soul was the best representation of what I truly looked like. It changes based on who you are on the inside. I had no idea what I looked like, as mirrors didn't exist in the spirit dimension, but it was apparently close to what my regular form was, as the body parts that I could see looked the same, I still had my ears and tails as well.

I could still see what was going on around my body, but I couldn't touch anyone. It was like I was underwater. People's mouths moving, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

The woman was shouting something, she looked angry. My friends were saying something back to her, and Xander was sitting down, placing my head on his lap.

I could see everyone's soul. A glowing white string connected their soul to their body. When they die, that string will break, cutting the tie to their body. Everyone who was alive didn't have a visible string, because their soul was still in their body. They just had a white glow around them.

It takes a week for the string to break once you're dead. Some people have the strength to return to their body before the week is up. Most don't.

I, however, did not have a string. Through events I will not mention at this point in time, my string was cut a long time ago. I had various advantages because of this. And, the unwanted title of technically being dead.

I could also possess people, but doing that was completely disregarding personal space, and rude. So, I didn't do that.

I got to work. Looking around me, I floated over to the pile of corpses. There were the souls of the werewolves I killed, and they each had two. One soul had the shape of a wolf, the other was a human.

The souls were panicking, they hadn't noticed me yet. I shouted to get their attention, and they finally realized I was there.

The spirits lunged toward me, angry, but they flew straight through me. I laughed, while they tried over and over to attack me.

Putting an end to the charade, I snapped my fingers. "Okay, that's enough. If you want to go back into your bodies, line up now, please."

They scowled at me, but made a line. I asked a couple questions and did some reordering, until I had figured out which two souls went where. I put a hand on a wolf soul, and one on a human soul. And I plunged my arms down into the werewolf's body. The souls disappeared, and the body began to glow.

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