Chapter 10

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A/N - I started crying while writing this 😅

--- Fox's POV ---

Xander stared at me, but he didn't look as confused as before. Which is good, I suppose.

I let go of my tail, and stood ramrod straight. I inhaled sharply, and bowed.

Do you know how many times I had practiced that bow? Until it was perfect. I had to, it was required back home.

I didn't straighten out of my bow until I heard Xander call Aither and Raiden outside. My eyes darted around nervously, and I licked my lips.

It was taking a lot of courage for me to do this.


I cringed, hard. My ears folded back over my head and my tails drooped to the ground.

Raiden tried again, voice softer. "Fox, uh, I'm sorry for calling you pathetic. I was stressed out about finding my sister." I kept my eyes trained on the ground, and inched away when I noticed a centipede by my foot.

"Do you forgive me?" Raiden mumbled.

I nodded shyly, fiddling with my hands.

"I, um, I need to tell you guys something." They startled when they heard me speak. Oh yeah, my voice is a little higher than in my human body...

I chewed my lip, nervous, so very nervous. "I'm not human."

"We can see that." Aither said, deadpan. I curled in on myself, but continued.

"My real name isn't Fox. I'm not from the human world. I'm half-incubus, half-kitsune. Um-" I felt my eyes sting again, and I rubbed them desperately. Don't cry, don't cry.

My voice was shaking, and my longer bangs hid my face from view. "I-I'm sorry I l-lied to you." I let out a sob. I covered my face with my hands, trying hard to stop the tears.

I was afraid of rejection. I was scared they wouldn't care, that they wouldn't want me to be their friend anymore. I was afraid of telling the truth.

"Can I ask you a question?" It was Aither again.

"Of course." I conjured a tissue, snapping my wrist in the air. I blew my nose.

"Why did you lie?"

I knew this question would come.

"Tell the truth," I muttered to myself. I raised my head. "It's because I'm not allowed to tell humans anything about what I really am." Technically not a lie.

"Why?" Aither was standing in front if the cabin steps, arms crossed. Raiden and Xander stood on either side. Raiden looked embarrassed. Xander was looking at my tails with an expression of wonder. Like a child who had just caught Santa and his reindeer.

"Because it's a rule. I'm not allowed to tell any humans without a royal member's approval."

"A royal member?" Aither was grilling me. I was determined to answer truthfully, but only if he asked the right questions.

"Yes." I kept my answer short.

"Where are you from?"

"Hell," I was feeling a little better, but still kind of anxious.


"Yes, did you not hear the part where I told you I was half demon? Well, I don't know if you humans consider kitsune to be demons too," I mused.


"I can answer whatever other questions you have, but after we rescue Kayla." I looked at Raiden. He nodded grimly.

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