Chapter 17

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--- Fox's POV ---

I slowly became aware of my surroundings, sunlight filtering through my closed eyelids. I burrowed into my sheets, ignoring nature's call.

But, I had to go. So, I got out of bed and hobbled into the bathroom. Jumping from the thick carpet of my bedroom to the mat in the bathroom, I successfully avoided the cold tile. I relieved myself, then flushed and washed my hands. There was a toothbrush, and I brushed my teeth, singing the alphabet twice times.

I looked at myself in the mirror. While falling asleep I must've unconsciously brought out my ears and tails. That hasn't happened in years. They needed to be brushed, as did my hair.

I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I jumped over the tile again and quickly dressed myself, yelling that I was coming.

I shoved my arm through my sleeve and opened the door. A maid stood there, nervously smiling at me. I stepped aside to let her in.

"Uh, Your Highness, um, I'm here to measure you."

"Just Fox is fine. You need to measure me for new clothes?"

She nodded.

"Um, do you need me to strip?"

She blushed, lowering her gaze. "N-no."

"Okay. Like this, right?" I stood in the middle of the room with my arms out, and she took my measurements, it only took a couple minutes.

"Thank you!" She left, and I looked around my room.

"What should I do now?"

My plead for entertainment was answered, by another knock at the door. I opened it, and a handsome man stood in the doorway.

He had a stubbled chin, and a sharp expression, with deep gray eyes.

He pushed his glasses up with a finger, "Hello, Princess. We heard about your recent return to the castle, for your Hawks and Hornets trial."


"Yes, that's correct."

"Did you know about your father's decision for you to begin the process of selecting a suitor?"

"Yes..." I ran a hand through my tangled hair.

"So I'm here to bring you to the photoshoot so we can create flyers to advertise your ball."

"Ball?" I looked up at him, confused. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Mhm. So would you please come with me?"

I nodded, "But I don't look very presentable right now."

"Don't worry, we can fix that." He gave me a cold smile, and led the way down the hallway.

I walked after him, having quickly grabbed a pair of plain pink slippers. We walked for what felt like days, I had forgotten how big the castle was. In my childhood I had spent countless hours wandering through the large halls, trying to find my way to my chambers.

We entered a big room, which might have been one of the many ballrooms. It was hard to tell, as the room was littered with photographers and groups of people with green rolls of fabric.

I looked around, curious, but suddenly the man stopped. He pointed toward a secluded area in the corner of the room and I strolled over.

There were two models, two cosmetologists, and a photographer. The cosmetologists cooed over me, overjoyed that they "got the chance to work on royalty".

Because apparently I need a lot of work.

They fussed over my hair and fur first, untangling it with special equipment and brushing it out. Then, they washed it with expensive smelling soap, and brushed it again. They styled it so most of my hair was in a low ponytail, the rest framing my face.

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