Chapter 1

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--- Fox's POV ---

I sighed in relief when the party ended. I skipped outside, watching my breath plume in the cold, autumn air. I called Thomas to come pick us up, my hands half numb. Students streamed out of the doors, gossiping about the party.

I always hated going to parties. They made me feel socially awkward. Which, I was. I just didn't show it most of the time.

Thomas answered, and I told him to come get us. "We're in the side parking lot."

I shook my hands, trying to bring some feeling back into them. It didn't work. That night, it was freezing.

Aither finally finished kissing his boyfriend goodbye, just in time, Thomas had pulled up. Still sporting the same scratched up truck.

"You kids have fun?" Thomas asked, scratching his chin.

"Meh," I groused. "It was kind of boring."

"It was cool, and everyone we knew was there," Aither gushed. I was tired, and eyed him crankily.

Usually, he was the grumpy one.

"You're only a few years older than us, Thomas. You don't get to call us 'kids'," I glared out the window. The scenery blurred as we drove by.

"You're right, you're right. But, I'm going to call you whatever I want since I'm the one always driving you two everywhere." Thomas chuckled.

Aither was lost in a daydream, babbling about his boyfriend. "Raiden had such a cool costume."

"Hmm." I pushed my hair out my eyes. It was still purple, although after examining it closely, I realized I was going to have to dye it again.

Aither's blue hair was still going strong.

We arrived at our apartment, and I thanked Thomas before pushing Aither inside ahead of me. It had been a long day, and I yawned obnoxiously.

It was a school day, and everyone was excited for the Halloween party after school. Aither had gone as an Egyptian pharaoh. I had gone as a fox. I had forgotten Halloween was coming, so I had no idea what I would wear. I just showed up with fox ears and a tail. I claimed it was a pun for my name, which it kind of was.

I left Aither in the kitchen, and flopped onto my bed. I lazily peeled my clothes off, dropping them on the floor. I shifted my body back to completely human, my black ears and tail disappearing.

Yeah, I'm not human. Get used to it.

I stretched out on my bed, groaning. I guess I'm rusty from not using my magic as often as I used to. After coming to the human world, I had stopped using my powers nearly as often. After all, it wouldn't be good if humans started pestering me about my magic, right?

Not to mention the need for secrecy.

There were other magical beings in the human world, you just didn't encounter them very often. I was certain Aither's boyfriend was a merman. Although Aither hasn't said anything about it. Even though he's my best friend.

The next day, I stayed in bed because it was Saturday. And I didn't have much of a social life. Hannah texted me, but I ignored it.

Hannah was a tiresome girl from school, who was constantly pestering me. It was clear she had a thing for me, but how did she even get my number? I had a feeling she considered herself my unofficial girlfriend.

But it was fun to go out with her sometimes, even when her motives were blatantly obvious.

I opened my curtains, but quickly pulled them shut again after the sunlight almost blinded me. I plucked a random book of my shelf, ready to relax for the day.

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