Chapter 11

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--- Fox's POV ---

Vladimir pounced Raiden, shifting into his wolf form midair. The crack of bones breaking and changing shape made me gag.

Aither screamed, clutching Raiden's arm. Xander stumbled back, tripping over a rock. Raiden shut his eyes, turning his body so he was in front of Aither.

I tried to pick dirt out from under my nails.

I wasn't concerned, because as soon as Vladimir had heard my friends behind the trees, I had given each their own forcefield. No one could get close to them before being repelled. Except for me, of course.

Isn't magic great?

So, it was quite entertaining to see Vladimir get forcefully repelled. He rolled a couple yards, then finally came to a stop. I laughed, and the cheerful sound caused Raiden to open his eyes.

He looked down at himself, like he was surprised he was still in one piece.

"Wow, and you guys thought you could fight them." I clapped slowly. Raiden glared at me and I snickered. He whispered into Aither's ear and Aither cracked open his eyes. He blushed when he realized he was clinging onto Raiden.

I turned my attention away from the couple's love fest, and walked over to help Xander to his feet.

"He just... Did you do that?" Xander looked at me, his eyes slightly glazed over.

I smiled, "I guess you could say that."

I heard snarls, and looked back at the werewolves. They had gotten over their initial shock at seeing their alpha go flying, and were now looking for revenge.

I gave them a cocky grin, and the fight began.

Well... It was so one-sided, I didn't know if I could have called it a fight.

I quickly counted seven opponents left. All of them were now in their wolf forms, and while I itched to stab them with a sharp knife, I decided it would be fairer for me to fight on all fours as well.

I shifted into the form of a fox, keeping all nine tails. I was slightly larger than my regular kitsune form, because the large wolves were almost three times my normal size.

I growled, nudging Xander out of the way. He said something, but the wolves were almost upon us.

I leapt up in the air, watching their heads turn to follow me. I sustained my jump a little farther than was natural, so I could safely land on the other side of them.

Then, I ran. Half of the werewolves teared off to chase after me, and the other half started their useless attempt to attack my friends.

This is the second time I've been chased today...

I ran a little farther out, then put on the brakes, twisting so I was facing my opponents. Now I have more room.

I wasn't afraid to go for the kill, and I let them know that, clawing open the throat of the first wolf that jumped at me. Hot blood burst from the wound, and I dodged the furry body as it crashed into the ground.

Another wolf charged and I landed a deep scratch down their flank, which slowed their moments. I growled at the rest of the wolves, and they rushed me.

One aimed for my throat, but I crouched, and they bit down on air. Pushing myself up, I slammed my head into their jaw and they whimpered. I slashed at their face and they retreated.

I yipped in pain as one of the wolves sank their teeth into one of my tails. I'm way out of practice.

With a popping sound, I shrank so I was the size of a mouse, so I was able to wriggle out of the wolf's mouth.

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