Chapter 31

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--- Xander's POV ---

At school, it seemed like no one had missed us or even noticed we were gone. Our absence had not been written down, and all assignments had been turned in.

"At least we don't have to make up work." Raiden sighed.

"Yeah. Could be worse." I grunted.

You know that line that jinxes everything, like that "I'm sure nothing else will happen" line? That makes something bad happen? Yeah. I just said it.

Three cheers for stupidity.

A large shadow fell over me, and I heard Aither gulp audibly.

I twisted around in my seat.

"So you losers are back from your vacation, huh?"

It was some dude in a cast. One of his arms was broken, and it looked like one of the front teeth were missing.

"Who's this?" I asked Raiden.

His face was grim. "Myron. Remember when Aither talked about Fox breaking one of their ribs?"


"This is the guy who broke it."

I rose from my seat and stared down at the guy. After seeing that he might be at a disadvantage, he backed off.

"No worries, bro. I'm just here to talk."

"About what?" I snarled.

"Uh, just wanna know of Fox is coming back to school. 'Cause I didn't see him today, and he's always with you."

I was so close to punching this idiot's lights out, but Raiden stopped me.

"He knows Fox." He whisper-yelled.

"I know. He should remember." I glowered at Myron.

"Exactly. We need to talk to him."

"Can't we talk to him after I break his nose?"

"No, I don't want his blood on my clothes." Raiden said. "I don't like him any more than you do, but we still need to talk to him."

"...Fine. But you better be happy Raiden saved you, because you won't be so lucky next time." I cracked my knuckles for emphasis.

Myron definitely got my drift. He sat down, looking between Raiden and I.

He chuckled nervously, "Nice tattoos."

"Thanks." I examined the black diamonds decorating the back of my hands.

"Have you noticed anything weird? Like no one else knows who Fox is?" Raiden asked. He got put in charge of questions because he was the calmest.

"Um, I guess. I don't really talk about him. But the teacher doesn't call for him during homeroom anymore."

Raiden and Aither exchanged looks. "Alright. Have you heard from Fox recently?"

"Haven't talked to him since-" Myron looked at Aither. "The uh-incident."

"Okay, that's it. You can go."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, bye, scumbag." I cut in.

Myron got out of there so fast, I swear he was kicking up dust.

"Well, that was useless." I groaned.

"Yeah, Myron's the only person who hasn't forgotten Fox. Other than us. Aither crossed his arms.

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