Chapter 19

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Cause ever since you walked into the room
You changed my broken point of view

*****Trigger Warning: Mention of Self Harm & Sexual Assault*****

*****Trigger Warning: Mention of Self Harm & Sexual Assault*****

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Today has been a refreshing day. I spent the whole day with Harry and Fred and it really lifted my spirits. I haven't felt this light, or have laughed this much, in so long I almost forgot what it felt like.

It was really sweet of harry to cook me breakfast this morning, I didn't expect that at all. I also didn't expect his grandfather to be how he is. Harry seems like a pretty reserved and shy person and Fred is the complete opposite.

Fred is a very animated guy who loves making jokes and snarky comments whenever he can. He also seems to love embarrassing Harry. It was really cute to see Harry's face turn redder than my hair when Fred told that story about changing Harry's diaper as a kid.

Also, seeing Harry and Fred interact is really fucking adorable. Harry was right when he said people say they act like an old married couple, because they kind of do.

They always are poking fun at eachother and goofing around. I wish I had someone in my life like that. Someone that I could just let loose and laugh with. I feel so much pressure from everyone in my life that I feel like I never have the ability to do that.

I can tell Fred is not only Harry's grandfather, but also his best friend and major support system in his life. Anyone could spend five minutes with the two of them and see how much love and admiration they have for eachother.

After breakfast, Harry and I went into his room and he told me about his gallery wall. He showed me what everything meant. From pictures of him and Fred to little trinkets that he got from special places he has been, everything seemed to have a special meaning to him that he cherishes.

We then decided to go on a walk to get some fresh air. It felt nice to just casually walk around, feeling the fresh breeze, and just have casual conversation with Harry. We talked about meaningless things like our favorite foods, our favorite holidays, if we think pineapple on pizza is acceptable, and so much more. Except, these weren't meaningless things. These weren't meaningless things because these random factoids about Harry are what make him, him.

Just like last night when he listed off all those random things about me that he seemed to have noticed or remembered I have told him, those are all things that make me, me. A person is more that just what meets the eye, they are their weird quirks and more.

Now Harry is driving me home, and frankly, I am dreading it. I don't want to leave this little bubble of happiness I seemed to have been in all day with Harry just to go back to my miserable life of stress, worry, and sadness that awaits me at my house.

"I really don't like the idea of leaving you here alone." Harry says to me as he parks his car against the curb in front of my house.

"I know. To be honest, I don't want you to leave me alone either." I say with a huff. I bite my lip anxiously before I let out these next words. "You make me feel safe. I feel like I can trust you. And honestly, that kind of scares me."

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