Chapter 7

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She (She), she lives in daydreams with me (She)
She's the first one that I see, and I don't know why
I don't know who she is (She, she)

She (She), she lives in daydreams with me (She)She's the first one that I see, and I don't know whyI don't know who she is (She, she)

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I'm at a bar and I really don't want to be.

Today one of my professors assigned a live entertainment report essay that is due by the end of the week. As I looked at the list of events going on around Boston this week that the professor handed out, I realized my only option, that didn't conflict with my work and school schedule, was this show.

So here I am, at a bar on a Tuesday night. I dragged Guinevere along so I at least had someone to talk to. I don't know who is playing tonight, I was just told it was some local aspiring musician.

It doesn't matter to me who is playing though, I am just here to get enough for my paper and leave.

"Do you want a drink? It's on me." Guin says to me cheerfully as we make our way to sit at the bar against the far left wall.

"I'm okay. You can though, I drove anyway."

As Guin orders her drink, I take a moment to look around the bar. It isn't that big of a venue. There is a stage against the back wall for entertainment and an open space in front of the stage acting as a dance floor at the moment. Then, there is a patio area opposite of the bar where smokers can go. The whole place is pretty dimly lit and the air is muggy.

"So, do you know who is performing?" Guin asks, causing me to return my focus to her.

"No, it just said some local musician." I reply simply.

"Well, do you know when they come on?"

I fish my phone out of my back pocket and check the time. "I think in about five minutes. So, we should probably head over to find a spot near the stage soon."

With my words, Guinevere downs her small drink quickly. "Ready!" She says loudly, hopping off of the bar stool.

"Calm down, Guin. We are just here to get enough for my paper and then we are leaving." I say pointedly as I get off the bar stool I was sitting on and walk towards the stage with Guinevere.

"Come on V, let loose. Just because this is for school, doesn't mean you can't have fun!" Guin retorts in a sing-song tone.

We eventually find a good spot in the small crowd near the stage. We are standing behind a few rows of people towards the middle.

Guinevere and I make small talk to pass the time until we see a few people get on the stage. I watch as they take their places behind their respected instruments. Then, I watch as a young looking man makes his way onto the stage.


"Is that?" Guinevere questions with a shocked expression coming across her face.

I can't say that my face doesn't have the same shocked expression written all over it, because it definitely does. "Yup." I reply.

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