Chapter 18

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How do you like your eggs in the morning?
I like mine with a kiss
Boiled or fried?
I'm satisfied as long as I get my kiss

How do you like your toast in the morning?
I like mine with a hug
Dark or light?
The world's alright as long as I get my hug

How do you like your toast in the morning?I like mine with a hugDark or light?The world's alright as long as I get my hug

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I woke up not too long ago and headed straight to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast for Venus and Gramps. Venus is still asleep, but I didn't want to wake her, I know she needs her rest.

I walk over to the refrigerator and grab the carton of eggs and pack of bacon. I then pull out two pans, a bowl, and a fork from the respective cabinets in the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.

I take the first pan and place it on one of the stove burners. I listen to the clicks as I ignite the gas stove burner before placing the bacon in the pan, listening to it start to sizzle as it cooks. I then turn around and crack a few eggs into the bowl I grabbed. I add some seasonings and mix it all up with a fork before placing the bowl next to the stove.

"Good morning." I hear Venus say as I look up to see her walk into the kitchen.

I flip over the bacon with some cooking tongs as she walks over to me. "Good morning, sunshine." I say, looking over to her with a smile quickly appearing on my face. She looks really damn cute in my clothes.

"Are you making me breakfast?" She asks me as she watches me flip the bacon, a smile appearing on her face as well.

"What can I do to help?"

I walk over to her, grabbing her hips to lift her up and place her on the counter. "You can just sit here and look pretty." I say as I place a chaste kiss on her forehead.

I turn around to grab the loaf of bread on the counter and place some of the pieces in the toaster briefly. I feel Venus' eyes on me while I do so and am loving the feeling. I never sleep with a shirt on, and I didn't really think about putting one on when I woke up. I turn back around to go tend to the food on the stove and see Venus' gaze snap from where she was looking to my face.

I decide not to take this opportunity to embarrass her at the fact that I caught her staring. Instead, I pour the scrambled egg mixture into the empty pan on the stove. I then start to take the finished bacon out of the other pan, placing it on a plate.

I hear the toast pop up from the toaster, signifying it is done, as I flip the scrambled eggs with a spatula. I flick my eyes to Venus briefly before turning my eyes back to the eggs. I notice that she is admiring the fern tattoos on my hips. "Are those your favorite?" I ask her smugly, keeping my eyes on the eggs.

I hear her clear her throat and I try to hide the smirk from creeping onto my face. "I'm sorry, what?"

"The ferns. Are those your favorite?" I ask, placing the spatula down before walking over to slot myself between her legs. I place my hands on the counter on each side of her, flicking my gaze from her lip that she is biting anxiously, to her eyes.

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