Chapter 52

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Kate POV

I didnt even know what to say. I hugged him super tight. He pulled back and kissed me.

We both smiled into the kiss. "So what do we do now? I mean, I-Im just so..."

He giggled. "I have no idea... But, I think for now we should just enjoy ourselves."

"What did you have in mind?'' I asked.

He grinned. I knew exactly what he wanted. I grinned to.  I took his wrists and we went to the bedroom.

He shut the door behind him. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He took off his shirt and got on top of me.

Then he slipped his hand under my shirt. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Ill get it." I moaned.

"But babyyy." He said grabbing me.

"I got to. Just hold on."I said loosening his grip on me.

He groaned. "Fiiine. But dont think your getting out of this."

I ginned. "Ok. Dont worry."

He squeezed my behind. "Ross! Stop it." I laughed.

He kissed my neck and went into the bathroom.

I walked over to the front door and opened it. Delly was standing there. We screamed and hugged.

"What are you doing here?!" I screamed. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know!I know! Were on tour. Its soo fun. I asked a neighbor if they knew where you lived. Oh hey is Ross here?" She asked anxious.

"Uh yeah. He's right here. I think he's in the bathroom."I grinned.

"What are you so smiley about?" Delly said smiling.

"Nothing nothing. Hey Ross come out here real quick!" I yelled trying to change the subject.

"Comin'" He said walking down the hallway toward us.

He got to Delly and she slapped him across the face. "Ross! You scared the living crap outta everyone!"

He put up his hands. "Sorry, sorry. You know I couldnt stay away."

I grinned. Then he slipped his arm around my waist. He covered the hand that had the ring on it.

I gave him a weird look but he didnt look back.

"Ok well. Come back to the bus soon. Were going to Uncle Shor's at noon."Delly said.

"Ill be there."Ross said, still covering my hand.

I shut the door. "What was that about? Are we just not going to tell them?" My voice rose slightly.

"No no no baby. Its not like that. I just wanna announce it when everyones together. Thats all." He said grabbing my hands.

"Ok..." I sighed.

"Hey, did you see what the ring says?" He asked smiling.

My eyes widened, "No."

I pulled my hand up to my face. I took off the ring and examined it closely. It said forever...

"Baby... Thats so sweet..." I said tears welling in my eyes.

He smiled and kissed my head. "Forever."

I smiled and looked up at him "Forever."

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