Chapter 21

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Kate POV.

I was scared. So scared. I started to panic. I tryed to get away, but I couldnt.

"Shh. Dont worry." the voice said. I recognized that voice but I wasnt exactly sure who it was.

The person dragged me out of the back door of the restroom.

I bit the persons hand and they pulled back. "Oww. God Kate!" they screamed.

I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that Ross would hear me. Oh Ross please hear me...

Ross POV.

I was wondering where they were when I saw Delly come out of the restroom by herself.

"Wheres Kate?" I asked.

"Oh shes just going to the bathroom." Delly said.

"Oh ok." about 5 minutes went by and she still hadn't come out.

"Umm, Delly? Can you go check on Kate? Im getting worried." I said with a frown.

"Yeah. Be back in a minute." Delly said as she walked to the ladies room.

She suddenly came running back.

"Shes not in there." She said shakily.

Now I was definitely worried. Suddenly we heard a loud scream and I knew it was Kate. I ran out of the restaurant and saw Kate being dragged to a van.

"Kate!!!" I said running to her.

I stopped dead on when the person with a mask pulled out a gun. But she didnt point it at me. She was pointing it at Kate.

"You come any closer and I shoot." The person said.

I could tell it was a woman. She took off her mask. It was Kates mom....

"Please! Just stop! Take me! Take me ok? Please Bonnie stop" I said tears streaming down my face.

"No! This isnt about you. This is about teaching Kate a lesson." She pressed the gun deeper into her head, which instantly made me tense up.

"This is to teach Kate not to Ever run away again!!!" Bonnie said.

"What? What are you talking about?! Shes here for an acting gig!" I said.

Instantly Kate looked down.

"Ha!" Bonnie said. "Thats the best you could come up with?!" She started laughing again.

I was getting super nervous.

"Well anyways.." Bonnie sighed, "wed better get going. Gotta teach this Brat a lesson." She said.


"Oh. Like this?" she said as she smacked Kate across the face.

"Stop it!!!" I said, sobbing now.

"Anywho.. Weve gotta go, see ya!" Bonnie said as she threw Kate in the back and drove off.

"Noooo!!!" I yelled trying to chase her. I fell on the ground and sobbed. I could hear Delly crying with mom.

Riker and Rocky came up to me and rubbed my back. I was trying to talk, but I just couldn't.

"Shhh." Riker said. Tears were falling silently off his face.

Mom came up to us, barely keeping it together. "C-come on boys, l-lets go. We can talk about this at home." she said.

Mom helped me up and we walked to the car. The drive home was short. We walked through the door and we all sat down on the couch. I sat next to mom. I looked over at her and I started sobbing uncontrollably.

I cant belive I just let her take Kate. God!!! Im such a terrible boyfriend. How could I ever let this happen....

A Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin