Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfic so dont judge! Hope you like!

Kate was an 11 year old average girl that lived in Littleton Colorado next to her best friends, the Lynches.

Kate's POV

I was soo happy! I finally turned 11. I was having an awesome party with my family and the Lynches

"Mom, when are they going to get here?" I whined. "Soon dear" Mom said. "Go to your room for a while. They'll be here soon" Mom smiled.

I quickly went across the hall to my bright pink hello kitty room. My best friend Rydel got me into it.

I sighed as I plopped down on my bed. I couldn't wait for them to get here. I suddenly heard voices outside. The Lynches! I ran to the front door.

"Hi Kate happy birthday!" said Ross, one of my best friends. "Thanks!" I said. I saw Delly standing in the doorway. "Ahhh. Hi Delly!" I said.

"Happy Birthday Kate!" she said as she huged me.

After quick greetings we all sat down in my living room. I sat all of the presents down in the hallway.

I noticed everyone seemed a little upset but put it to the side and tryed to enjoy the party.

I opened up my presents. Riker got me a hello kitty shirt. "Thanks Rik!" I said.

Then I opened up Dellys. She got me a pink tutu and a sparkley bracelet.

The next present I opened was from my older brother Carson. He was 15 and had brown straight hair. He got me the a blue jacket that I have been wanting forever.

I turned around and hugged him.

Then I opened the card that my younger sister Allison got me. Shes 5 years old and has curly blonde hair.

Then I opened up Rosses. It was a beautiful gold ring. He got me one every year. " Oh thank you Ross! I cant wait to see what the next one lookes like." I said gratefully.

I saw sadness in his eyes. I decided to ignore it.

I finished unwrapping my gifts and thanked everyone. Then we had cake and played "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" I got mine stuck on Rosses nose. We laughed hysterically.

Time flew by and soon the party was over. I looked over to the kitchen and noticed that my mom was crying.

Suddenly Ross grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. "Wait Ross I need to see whats wrong with my mom." I noticed that Ross was frowning.

"Ok. Whats going on?" I asked, suddenly nervous. Ross sighed and looked into my eyes. I thought he was going to cry.

"Were moving"

Ill be updating soon! Comment if you have any questions about anything! :)

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