Chaper 15

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Kates POV.

The first few people showed up around 8 pm.

I haven't seen Ross in a few hours.

At 9:30 A pretty blonde girl showed up. She was wearing a sleeveless short red dress.

"Hi! Im Amy." the girl said.

I smiled at her. "Hi. Im Kate. Im guessing you wanna see Riker?'' I said.

"Yeah." Amy said.

We walked all through the house trying to find him. Finally we found him talked to some guys.

"Hey Rik!" I yelled, waving him down.

"Oh hey Kate." he said walking over. He looked behind me and smiled.

"Hey Amy!" he said grinning from ear to ear.

They hugged. I slowly walked downstairs. I wanted to find Ross.

I looked all over the house and still couldn't find him. I walked outside to look.

"Rocky!!!" I yelled.

"Hey Kate, waz up?" Rocky said.

"Do you happen to know where Ross went? I cant find him anywhere.." I said.

"Uh, yeah. I just saw him down by the pool talking to some people." he said.

"Ok. Thanks Rocky." i said as i walked down to the pool.

I saw a bunch of people screaming and talking by the pool.

I finally spotted him. He was making out with someone.... I couldn't belive him! And the girl he was making out with, was Laura....

:) and so the drama begins!!!

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