Chapter 4

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Kates POV.

" Today marks 8 years" I said to my best friend Sam. She sighed. "I know hon." We were at my house eating lunch. " How you holding up?" She said sadly. " Im ok so far. As long as I dont think about Ross." She gave me a sad smile.

"How bout' this: We go to the mall and have a shopping day. That'll get your mind off them for a while..." I really wasnt in the mood but I said yes anyway.

She smiled and we had a HUGE shopping day. I bought 3 dresses, 5 Tops, 2 pants, a skirt, and a Hot Pink bikini.

The shopping was a lot of fun actually, but I still missed them. Sam could tell I was still upset.

"Girl... you ok?" Sam said.

"Yeah, im fine." I gave her a fake smile, but she saw right through me.

I sighed and said, " Ok... Im not fine. Im not fine at all. I miss them so much." Then I let all the tears fall that id been holding in all these years.

She hugged me tight and we sat down on the couch. "Shh. Its ok. Its ok. Shhh. Itll be alright." But everything wasnt alright.

" I just cant anymore!" I yelled as I ran out of Sams house. I heard her call me but I didnt care. I tan and ran and ran for about 10 minutes until I was out of breath.

I collapsed onto the park bench and cryed.

I walked home. When I looked at the clock, I saw it was 1 in the morning.

I wanted to sleep but I couldnt. I wanted to run away, and never look back. 

And thats just what I did.

Chapter 5 is gonna be a short one. :/ sorry.

A Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora