Chapter 47

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Kate POV.

After a very long car ride I finally arrived home. I thanked the driver and got out of the car.

I looked at our shabby house. It was nothing compared to the Lynches house. I sighed and walked through the door.

I noticed Carson sitting on the couch. (my older brother)

He came up to me and hugged me tight. "God Kate! I missed you. You scared me to death!"

"Sorry."I said pulling back.

"Where were you? Mom wouldnt tell me anything. What happened?" Carson said, dragging me to the couch.

"Not right here. Not now. Ill explain later." I said quietly.

Just then mom walked into the room with Allison, my younger sister. Shes 12.

She gasped. "Your home! I missed you sissy! Where were you?!" She asked.

"Oh I missed you too Alli-bug!" I said hugging her tight.

"Hello dear." Mom said, walking over to me. "Weve missed you."

I gave her a sour look. She was acting like nothing even happened! She acted like she didnt beat me, shoot at me, or be mean to my boyfriend! I didnt want Alli to know any of that so I just smiled.

"Yeah. Missed you too." I said, Alli sitting on my lap.

"Well... Im going to go and make a late supper. What do you all want?" She said.

"Pizza!" Carson said.

Mom rolled her eyes. "We had pizza last night Car."

"I know. But it was good."He said quietly.

We all laughed. Everything almost seemed... Normal. Except for the fact that I was going to have to live with mom. I didnt know how she was going to treat me when we were alone...

And honestly? I was terrified.

                *Later that night*

I was almost asleep when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."I said quietly.

Carson came in. "Hey sis. Can we talk for a sec?"

I nodded.

"Ok well. You need to tell me where you were all that time. Mom hasnt been saying anything." Car said.

"Car... It-its just too painful to talk about right now..." I said.

"How come?" He asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes. " Alright. But you cant tell anyone. Not even Alli. Okay?"

He nodded, listening intently.

"Okay.... So I ran away. I wound up at the Lynches... Long story short, I feel in love." I said.

"Wait what? The Lynches?! I haven't see them in forever! Wait.. You feel in love? With one of them? Who?" Car said.

"Ross... I didnt even mean too. It just happened. Anyway. Mom came after me. She took me back here. You were at football  camp at the time, so you couldn't do anything to stop her." I said.

"Stop her from what?" He said.

I swallowed. "From beating me." I said, barely a whisper.

His eyes widened. "What?!"

"Shhh!" I said, throwing my hand over his mouth.

"Sorry. So Mom... Beat you?" He said.

I nodded." Then Ross drove out here to save me. It was like a fairytale actually..." I smiled."Anyway, I was out there the whole time until mom called the police and made me come back."I said shrugging.

He took a minute to process everything. "So... You wouldn't have come back if mom didnt do that?"

I never even thought about it. "Umm.. No. I would have eventually."

He nodded. "You love him?"

"Excuse me?"I asked.

"Ross. Do you love him or not?"Carson asked.

I nodded my head. "Absolutely. With all of my heart."

He nodded and kissed me on the forehead. "Night Kate. Love you."He said, getting off the bed.

"Love you too Car." I said.

I had almost drifted off to sleep, when my phone buzzed. I sat up and picked up my phone. There was a text from Ross.

Baby- Kate? Are you at home yet? Text me. Love you.

I smiled and responded.

Me- Im here. Sorry I didnt even see the text. Everythings going good so far. I miss you Shor...

He responded almost immediately.

Babe- Miss you too. I got your note... Thanks. I love you more than you know. Hows ur mom. Tell me stuff.

I smiled and responded.

Me- Shes acting like nothing even happened... Its pissing me off... Anyway I told Carson everything and hes shocked.

Babe-  Yeah. Anyway its late. I love you baby. We'll all Facetime you tomorrow night Ok? Love you.

Me- I love you too babe. Night!

I set my phone down on my nightstand.

The next thing I knew I was fast asleep.

I feel like Im getting less and less reads. If I can do anything to make it better or more interesting, let me know. Thanks! :)

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