Chapter 23

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Kate POV.

We arrived home around midnigt. Mom threw me out of the van and dragged me into the house by the hair, the gun still pointed at me.

She took me into the basement, I never liked it down there. She handcuffed me to a metal pole, to make sure I didnt run away.

She gave me the rest of her crackers that she had been eating. I gave her a fowl look.

Before she left I mumbled "I hate you" under my breath.

She must have heard. Crap.

"Excuse me young lady? What did you just say?" she said.

I swallowed nervously. "N-nothing." I said.

She ran over to me and slammed my head against the metal pole. Thats the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

Ross POV.

I woke up and looked next to me, expecting to see Kate. Then i realized that she was gone...

I cried silently to myself. I couldn't handle it anymore! I had to find her.

I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I ignored Rydel who was sitting there pretending to read a book.

I grabbed an apple and then grabbed my shoes.

Delly said, " W-what are you doing?"

"Im going to find Kate." I said flatly.

"No! You cant! You dont know what Bonnie will do to you. I cant lose both of the most important people in my life." She said, almost crying.

"I dont care what happens to me. Im going." I mumbled.

"Please.." Rydel said quietly, a tear rolling off her cheek.

I walked over to her and wiped her tear. I kissed her head softly. "Ill be back. I love you Delly..." I said.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Delly said.

I paused for a second, considering it. "Yes. Im sure" I said.

And then I walked out the door. I didnt look back. I had to find her...

Sorry its a little short! Thank you so so much for reading! :)

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