Chapter 53

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Ross POV.

"So your coming?" I asked Delly.

"Yeah. Sure. Why is it so important?" She asked.

"Cant we all just eat dinner together?"I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah."

I invited everyone out to a fancy restaurant for dinner tonight. Kate and I are going to announce it then. Even Bonnie is coming, which has me a little on edge.

I hadn't seen her since she, well, tryed to shoot at me. I was excited to see Alli and Carson though.

Kate was spending the night with us on the bus. Actually, I was suprised that Bonnie actually let her.

Anyway, I had a stupid interview to go to in an hour. Unfortunately, Kate wasnt allowed on set so she said she'd just go shopping until we were done.

We pulled up to the studio. After some quick make-up and sound check, we started the interview.

"So Ross. Tell me how the tour is going so far?" Becky, the interviewer asked.

"Um, Its going really well actually. Yeah, its a lot of fun."I answered.

She nodded. "Well, a lot of fans have tweeted me telling me that at the first part of tour you were 'so not into it.' they said."

"Really?"I tilted my head.

"Yes. What was hindering you Ross?" Becky asked.

"Um. Well, I-I guess it was just being separated from Kate."I answered simply.

"Hmm."She nodded." Have you seen her since then?"

I nodded slowly.

"Oh really?" Becky questioned "Where? What all happened?"

I really didnt want to talk about this. I needed to choose my words carefully or the paparazzi would have a field day.

"Well, um, I ran into her... Literally." I started, smiling.

She nodded "So are you two together still? What did she say when you first saw her again? Was she angry? Happy? Sad even?" Becky said.

"Um. Well honestly, her face was kinda hard to read. I mean, I guess she was happy. I sure was." I said.

"So things are well than?" She asked.

I gritted my teeth. The way she said it just got me mad. I just nodded.

She preceded with questions, then it was over. We all piled into the van.

"Dont forget to pick up Kate, dad."I said.

"I know. Did she say where she was gonna be?" Dad asked me.

"Uh. Yeah. She said Khols." I said re-reading the text.

He nodded and we drove over there. She got into the van also, and we pulled off toward the bus.

"How'd it go baby?" Kate asked.

"Uh pretty good. You know she brought us up." I said looking down at her.

She nodded."Yeah I figured."

"Kate!" Delly said from the back." Did you bring your outfit for tonight?"

She grinned." Yep. Right here."She said shaking one of her many shopping bags.

"Ooo. Can I have a peek?" I said pulling the bag towards me.

She slapped my hand."No!" She bopped me on the nose. "Your gonna have to wait until tonight mr."

I smiled and kissed her. "Oh alright."

We soon arrived back at the tour bus. We piled out of the van. I stretched my back.

We went onto the tour bus. I gave Kate a tour of everything.

"Over there is the kitchen. And through this hallway..." I said dragging her down the hall, "Is where the magic happens."

I pointed to the cabins (beds)

"Oh? What kind of magic?" She asked grinning.

"Well we should know huh?" I whispered in her ear.

She giggled. "So which ones yours? Wait, no. Let me guess."

She tapped her chin and looked at all of the bunks. She pointed to the middle one. My eyes widened.

"How'd you know?" I asked curious.

"Well for one, it has a yellow blanket sticking out of it. And, its a mess." She smiled.

I rolled my eyes."Yeah yeah. I know."

We laughed. I finished showing her the rest of the place. We were in the kitchen grabbing a snack, when Rydel came in.

"Hey hey. Whats going on?" She asked.

"Nothing really. But I just got a full on tour of the bus. Jealous?" Kate said smiling.

"Oh yes. Very."They laughed.

"Now come on. Lets go get dressed for dinner! Still haven't seen the dress. Come on show me." Delly said.

They walked into the other room. You know, thats the one thing Ill never understand about girls: Why there so obsessed with clothes.

Kate POV.

"Here it is." I said pulling the dress out of the bag.

"Ooo. Thats adorable." Delly said.

"Hey, I got you something too." I said smiling.

"You did. Ooo. What is it?" Delly asked.

I pulled out a hot pink dress that looked just like mine except for hers was pink.

"Omg. Were twins!" She exclaimed.

We laughed and tryed on our dresses. We screamed when we saw each other.

We grabbed our matching purses and applied our make-up together. Then we walked out of the bus where everyone was waiting.

Ross smiled when he saw me. He pulled me in for a hug. "You look amazing."He whispered in my ear.

"Thanks babe."I said pulling back. "We all ready?"

Everyone nodded. We got into the van and went off to the restaurant.

Honestly, I was a little scared about what everyone would say.

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