Chapter 51

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This chapter changes POV. a lot, so make sure to pay attention. And its a really long one. Thanks! :)

Ross POV

"Oh my god... Your here." I said super nervous and excited all at once.

"Uh.. Y-yeah. I... I am." She said.

She made no attempt to touch me, hug me, kiss me, nothing. Maybe she had a boyfriend. Wouldnt suprise me. I mean, look at her.... Shes amazing.

Kate POV.

I didnt want to touch him or anything. Maybe he had a girlfriend. Wouldnt suprise me. I mean, look at him.... Hes amazing.

"I-im sorry. I wasnt watching where I was going." He explained. I shook my head.

"No no. It was my fault too. Um.. Would you like to head to my house. I mean.... I-I think we need to talk... About, well, stuff." I said quietly.

He nodded. I looked down at his hand. "Ross! What happened? Was that my fault. Oh Im so sorry!"

"No no. This was my fault actually. I fell out of the bus window."He laughed. I missed his laugh...

We walked down the street back to my house. I had to explain everything. He probably thought I purposely ignored him.

We walked through the door and into the bathroom. He had to get that cut cleaned up.

Ross POV.

She lead me to the bathroom. I guess I gave her a strange look because she laughed.

"Dont worry. Im just gonna wrap your cut."She said nodding to my hand.

I had forgot it was even there. I sat down on the floor and so did she. She grabbed my hand which got all tingly. I missed her touch.

She grabbed a towel with some type of medicine on it, and started to dab it.

I winced. "Sorry..."She said.

After that, she grabbed a wrap from the first aid kit. She gently wrapped it.

She got up and put her hand out for me to grab. I took it and she led me to her bedroom. We sat down on her bed.

"Your mom?" I said.

She looked at me strangely. "What are you talking about? ..... Oh. Um yeah. Its better. I mean, physically. Mentally.... Well, shes making sure im miserable."

I shook my head. "Im sorry I wasnt here."

She shook her head. "Look. Everything was my fault. Every part of it."

"How?" I questioned.

"I lost my charger. My phone died. I would've called you on another phone... But I didnt remember your number. Im so so sorry. It must have been terrible to have someone just completely ignore you. Just drop contact compl-" She started.

I cut her off by slamming my lips into hers, hard. I missed feeling those soft, gentle, strawberry chapstic lips.

We didnt pull back. I pulled her waist closer to me. I put my hand through her hair.We were making out for a good 2 minutes straight. I never wanted to pull back, but, I knew I had to.

We pulled back and she looked at me with those big blue eyes. God. They were my weakness.

"I love you."I said, putting my face in her hair.

"I love you too." She whispered.

I never wanted to let go of her. So, I didnt. We ended up falling asleep, just like that.

Rydel POV.

I wanted to talk to him before everyone else got up. I pulled back his curtain quietly.

"Ross? Can we talk for a sec?" I asked shaking him.

I pulled back the sheet a little. It wasn't even him! Where the heck was he?

I went to Rikers bed. "Riker! Get up. Ross is gone. Hes not in bed."

He moaned. "Hes probably in the bathroom or outside."

"No. Come look." I dragged him out of bed and showed him. "Why would he do that then?"

"I-I dont know. Let me call him." He quickly dialed Ross' number.

The phone started ringing in the other room. "God Ross! How hard is it to pick up your phone when you leave?"

I groaned. "Where is he Rik?"

"I dont know Rydel!" He snapped.

He immediately felt bad. "I-Im sorry. Im just stressed with tour.. Then- then this an-"

"I know."I said putting my arms around his waist from behind. "Its ok."

He sighed. "Ok.... So where would he be? I mean, theres only a handful of places to go in Col-"

He stopped.

"What? What is it?" I questioned.

"Hes at Kates. I know he is." He said.

I nodded. "Well things must be going good considering hes been there all night."I pointed out.

"Or.... Well nevermind."Rik said.

"What?"I asked.

"N-nothing. Lets just think positive. Come on, lets walk over there." Riker said.

"Wait. Where does she live? I completely forgot." I said.

Riker put a hand through his hair. "Well... I guess we have to wait for him to come back on his own."

I sighed. I hoped he was ok...

Ross POV.

I fluttered my eyes open. Kate was awake, looking at me. I smiled.

"Hey beautiful." I said giving her a passionate kiss.

"Hey baby."She said, ruffling my hair.

I looked at her. God she was hot. Even first thing in the morning. There was just no way I could leave her now. No way.

"Want some breakfast or something?" She asked sitting up.

I nodded. We got up and walked downstairs. She started making something.

"Mmmm." I moaned, smelling the bacon filled air.

She laughed. "Hold on its almost ready. Can you grab the plates for me please?"

"Yeah. Uh. Where?"I said.

She laughed again," The last cabinet on the right."

"Ok." I said rubbing past her. I got goosebumps but tryed to ignore them.

I could imagine us married in a house just like this, doing this every day.

We ate and my god, it was the best bacon ive ever tasted in my whole life.

"How did you do this? Its soo good."I said.

"Family recipe. Cant tell you." She giggled.

"Well... What if I was a part of the family?" I questioned.

She grabbed our plates and took them to the dishwasher. "Well then I would tell you."

I walked over behind her. "Can I be a part of the family?"

She turned around and gasped, looking at me on one knee on the ground.

"Well, I know that was kinda cheesy. And I know where pretty young but.."I laughed, "Kate? Will you marry me?"

She put her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god.... Yes!"

I smiled the biggest, goofiest, smile in the world. I got up and hugged her.

She was crying. So was I. I loved her more than words could ever say. And Im sure some fans were going to be upset that 'Raia' or 'Raura' didnt happen, but I didnt care. I got the girl I cared most about. And thats all that mattered.

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