Chapter 16

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Ross POV.

I cant belive the stupid producers.

We were having a metting after filming one day. They suggested that Laura and I date. It didnt have to be real. They thought the show would get monster ratings if we did.

Laura was super enthusiastic about it, I, not so much.

I couldn't do it. I was dating Kate. Even if it was fake, I knew she wouldn't like it.

I talked to the producers after our meeting and said that theres no way I can do it.

They said that it was only when we were in public together. Before I could respond, they patted me on the shoulder, and walked off.

I was pissed. They didnt even listen! Id talk to Laura about it later.

Laura said that Riker invited her to the party, so I would talk to her about it then. But Kate couldn't know anything.

So, I saw her down by the pool and went over to talk.

"Hey Laura, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked.

"Sure whats goin on babe?" She said.

Eww she called me babe.

"Ok Laura, about this whole dating thing.. I think-"

Before I could say anything else, she kissed me hard, on the lips. I tryed to pull back but she had me pinned against the shed.

Finally I squigged out of her grasp.

"Ok, just stop Laura!" I said. "I dont wanna go out with you. Your an amazing person, but this isnt working out. Im sorry. I cant, not when I have another girlfriend." I said.

She looked at me with a confused look on her face.

She smiled and said, " What do you mean babe?"

"Stop calling me that!!!" I yelled. "Im not your babe! Im not doing this anymore." I said.

I walked off to the house getting as far away from her as I could.

Kates POV.

I couldnt belive it. That jerk! How didnt I see this in him. I started to cry and when I finally calmed down enough, I walked over to Ross, ready to slap him across the face.

I heard part of the conversation. Ross was saying " .... Laura... Your an amazing person but this isnt working out. Im sorry. I cant, not when I have another girlfriend."

Another girlfriend?! He was dating Laura?! That idiot! God I hate him.

I ran into the house crying. I thought I heard Ross calling me, but I wasnt sure.

I ran upstairs to the bathroom and shut the door. I slid down the door and started crying. I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Babe. Babe, can I come in?" Ross asked.

"No. Get away from me you jerk!" I yelled.

"Please babe?" he asked. He sounded like he was about to cry.

I sighed and opened the door. He came in and shut it quietly.

He grabbed my hand but I quickly pulled back. He sighed and looked at the floor. I could tell he was going to cry.

"Im sorry." he said, his voice cracking.

"No your not! You were making out with Laura! Dont deny it because I saw you! I hate you Ross!!!" I said tears streaming down my face, leaving the last comment hang.

He was just looking at his shoes letting the tears fall without making a sound.

"What do you have to say for yourself Ross?" I said.

"It wasnt real." he said , barely a whisper.

"What do you mean it wasnt real? I saw you Ross!" i said, still crying.

"It wasnt real. It was her." he said looking up at me.

"Do you really expect me to belive that Ross? Huh? Do you? Because I dont. I cant belive you would ever do something so low! I hate you.." I said.

I walked out of the bathroom leaving him crying.

I went into our room and slammed the door. I sat there and cryed until the party was over.

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